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Kashyyyk: 19 BBY
Wookiee Village
Nakoa Sen

    Nakoa led the way through the winding steps, attached the trunks of massive trees. Oni and Lesia followed close behind with their blasters drawn. They had been searching the forest for surviving Wookiees for nearly two hours, with no luck.

    In the distance, LAAT gunships roared past, accompanied by Wookiee gunships. Imperial ships chased after them. "The war never really ended here," Les said, noticing his gaze. "I imagine it did for the clones and the Jedi, but not for the Wookiees."

    "What does the Empire want with Kashyyyk and the Wookiees anyway?" Oni asked.

    "Ketei said that most of the Wookiees are being sent to Imperial spice mines on Kessel and other planets."

    Les narrowed her eyes angrily. "They're being turned into slaves."

    "As to what the Empire wants with the planet," Nakoa continued, "I'm not sure. Maybe they just need a place for their factories or they need certain materials found here."

    They reached the top of the spiral and stepped onto a large platform. Several huts and more platforms extended from it. There were tunnels carved into the tree as well. From the looks of it, the village was abandoned. "Let's split up," Les suggested. "We'll cover the village more quickly."

    Nakoa nodded and started off in one direction. Oni and Les dispersed themselves. He flipped his rangefinder down and scanned for heat signatures. None appeared and he flicked the scanner up once more. Nakoa kept a hand fixed above his blaster as he crept forward.

    Ahead lay a heap of scrap metal from a crashed gunship. He approached it and sifted through the metal. Something clattered on the ground behind him. Nakoa whirled just as a young Wookiee lunged at him, a metal bar raised over his head.

    "Whoa!" Nakoa rolled beneath the bar as it smashed to the ground, splintering the wooden platform. He leaped to his feet and raised his hands. "Wait, wait! I'm not here to hurt you."

    The Wookiee roared and stopped moving, but didn't lower his makeshift weapon. Nakoa activated his comm. "Les, Oni, I found someone."

    "On our way," Oni replied. The comm switched off and the Wookiee barked once more.

    "I don't understand you," Nakoa sighed. "It would be nice if I had a translator in my helmet."

    The Wookiee regarded him for a moment, then gestured towards the gunship. He tapped his metal pole on the Republic insignia, scratched into the side of the ship. He growled something that sounded like a question.

    "I'm not with the Empire, if that's what you're asking," Nakoa replied. At least, I think that's what he meant? The symbols look very similar, he thought.

    The Wookiee seemed satisfied and lowered his pole. Footsteps thumped on the wooden floor as Oni and Lesia joined them. "He doesn't look very old," Oni noted.

    "I don't think he is. Do either of you speak Wookiee?"

    Oni tilted her head. Nakoa was sure he knew what expression she wore beneath her helmet. "I do," Les replied. She approached the Wookiee. "I'm Lesia. That's Oni and Nakoa. We're here to help."

    The Wookiee grunted a few words. "He said his name is Trergi and he's 98 years old," Les translated.

    "That's a little old for a foundling," Oni muttered.

    "You want him to join your Clan?" Les arched an eyebrow.

    "That's why Ketei sent us," Nakoa explained. "If we found young survivors, we'd bring them back as foundlings."

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