Strange Requests

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Coruscant: 18 BBY
Lower City
Nakoa Sen

Late the next afternoon, Nakoa found himself following Feton through the streets of the Lower City. Feton had asked him to come on patrol with him. Nakoa had reluctantly agreed. Thankfully, his weapons had been restored to him. He didn't know if the same could be said for Les and Oni.

Nakoa twirled his vibroblade in his hand as they walked through the cluttered streets. Feton glanced at it. "The signet."

"Clan Ralius. It was my mother's," Nakoa replied.

"You really are a survivor?" There was a hint of doubt in Feton's voice.

Nakoa nodded. "I remember hearing voices when you and Tai were found. I wasn't so lucky. I was stuck a while after you left, until some more Mandalorians came to investigate and found me."

"Who were your parents?"

"Raada and Nadi."

Feton turned down another street. "I remember them a little. You too. Didn't we train together?"

"A few times," Nakoa replied. "You're only a year older than me. We were young though. I'm not surprised if you don't remember a lot."

"I'm surprised you remember so much."

Nakoa knit his brows. "What happened to Tai?"

"She was killed during the Siege of Mandalore. I wasn't there. I was already here. I had been for a few years."

"How did you find out, then?"

"Bo Katan told me."

Nakoa fell silent as they walked down another alley. Finally, another question popped into his mind. "Why don't you want revenge?"

Feton snorted at that. "Revenge is overrated. I used to want revenge. I was even a part of Death Watch for a time, hoping that they would help me. Pre Vizsla was their leader."

"Tarek's brother?"

Feton nodded. "I asked him several times. He hated his brother just as much as you do. Still, he would never help me take him down. I knew I couldn't do it on my own, so I eventually just gave up."

"You could take revenge now."

"I don't care about that anymore," he repeated. "You clearly do. I won't impose."

"That's awfully considerate of you." Nakoa rolled his eyes beneath his helmet.

"I'm a generous man," Feton replied. "Let's go back." They turned around and started walking back towards the compound. Nakoa couldn't see it anywhere, but Feton appeared to know where he was going. "What's your favorite color?" He asked, suddenly.

"My what?" Nakoa raised his eyebrows. Feton began to reply, but Nakoa cut him off. "Don't repeat it. I heard. Sorry, you just took me by surprise." He thought for a moment. "It's red."

"Red, huh? Mine's blue."

"So this party you're hosting. What is it for?"

Feton shrugged. "Nothing in particular. Someone asked me if we could have a party soon and I said yes. When you've got credits to spend, it's a nice little treat for the men."

"Don't you have women working for you too?"

"Of course I do. I just say men as a collective term. Ladies and gentlemen, guys and girls, men and women...that's just too long to say all the time. Besides, I learned that most of the ladies don't like everyone being collectively called women. Apparently, it's seen as derogative by several of them."

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