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Corellia: 19 BBY
Nakoa Sen

Late the next afternoon, Nakoa and Oni finally returned to the Mythos. Oni had touched up the paint on her armor and Ketei had gifted her two new shoulder plates. She seemed to be in a much better mood now.

"Where are we going next?" Oni asked.

"We're going to Kashyyyk. Ketei heard rumors that the Empire is moving in on the Wookiees and taking many of them prisoner."

"We're looking for possible foundlings, then? I didn't know Wookiees could be foundlings."

Nakoa shrugged and boarded the Mythos. "I don't see why they couldn't be. Many of ours now are Rodians and Zabraks."

"I know. It just seems odd to have a Wookiee Mandalorian."

"We won't turn our backs on those who need us."

"I know. We have to take her home first." Oni entered the ship's lounge area and pointed to Les. She was slumped over the holotable, asleep. "Hey, wake up." Oni slammed a fist against the table.

Les bolted upright. "Oh, it's you two." She rubbed her red rimmed eyes tiredly.

"Do you know where you want to go?" Oni asked.


"What planet are we taking you to?" Oni repeated, already sounding frustrated. Nakoa bit his lip and shook his head but she ignored him. "We've hauled you around long enough. It's time for you to move on."

Les rubbed her forehead. "I don't know. I've been thinking about it and doing some research, but I haven't decided on anything."

"Why not?"

"I can't go to any planets within the Core or the Mid Rim. I'm not going anywhere with an Imperial occupancy or with a history in the Clone Wars."

"That's leaving your Outer Rim options very limited." Oni switched on a star chart. "You might just have to make do. What about Utapau?"

Les shook her head. "There won't be work for me there."

"Onderon, Sullust, Malastare?" Les dropped her forehead into her hands and shook her head again. "Naboo? Geonosis? Felucia? Cato Neimoidia, Ryloth, Stygeon Prime..." Oni fell silent, waiting for an answer. Lesia didn't give her one. "What about Mygeeto?"

Lesia's head jerked up. "I am not going to Mygeeto."

"Fine. Why don't you go back to Tatooine, then? I'm sure you can make a living there, one way or another," Oni spat.

"Oni, that's enough," Nakoa warned.

"Better yet, just go back to Hondo. Maybe next time, he'll trade you out for a protocol droid or Death Sticks."

Les narrowed her eyes, her cheeks flushing with anger. "Why don't you try living like that? I was a slave for one day and I couldn't handle it! Do you know how it feels to have your only ally trade you for four measly containers of spice? I thought I could trust Hondo a little bit, but he just used me as a bargaining chip."

"Oh, I'm so sorry that you were thrown into the real world where pirates and gangsters are bad guys and naive little girls get left behind," Oni sneered. "Wake up. I don't know who you think you are, but the galaxy doesn't revolve around you. Some of us have actually had hard lives."

"Oh, believe me, I know." Les clenched her hands into fists. Nakoa could still see them shaking.

"You know, I think I've figured you out," Oni said.

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