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Nur: 18 BBY
Fortress Inquisitorius
Lesia Mirri

    Les blinked her eyes open. Everything was blurry and her head throbbed as usual. She managed to focus her vision. The purge troopers and the Seventh Sister were gone. She felt a movement near her feet. Les looked down and her mouth fell open.

    Nakoa was struggling to get the binders off from around her ankles. She blinked, her vision blurring again. "Nakoa," she murmured.

    "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just hang on, Les."

    Tears stung her eyes. It isn't him. It's another illusion. A sob escaped her throat. He set to work on one of her wrist binders. He abandoned me. He would never come for me. It's an illusion. Her hand fell free and he turned to her last binder. Les spied her lightsaber dangling from his belt. They're tricking me. It's an illusion.

    Anger locked onto her mind. Her other hand came free. Nakoa straightened and she slammed her hand around his throat. Her lightsaber landed in her other hand.

    "No more illusions!" Les screamed. "He left me! He would never come for me!"

    "Les!" Nakoa clawed at her hand as she tightened her grip. The Force crashed into him, sending him flying through a wall and into a large empty room.

    Les jumped away from the table and chased after the illusion. He had landed in the training dojo. Her hand tightened around her lightsaber as she ignited it. Nakoa stumbled to his feet.

    "Lesia, stop!" He shouted.

    "No, I'm tired of being tricked. Stop playing with my mind!" She swung her blade at him.

    He drew two silver blades and fended off the attack. Nakoa slipped past her and reversed one blade in his grip. Les spun and attacked again. She slammed her lightsaber against his blades. How they managed to hold up against her weapon, she didn't know. Her mind was too foggy to figure it out.

    "Les, it's me." Nakoa blocked her attack and rolled beneath another.

    Les kicked her foot into his chest as she jumped up. He skidded back before recovering himself. "You're an illusion, just like they all are!" Her vision blurred with tears. "Just like my master and Cole."

    She swung towards his neck and he narrowly avoided her lightsaber. The cyan blade hummed with energy. It crashed against his blades once more. Nakoa slashed at her fingers and jetted back a few feet. Les flinched, even though he hadn't cut her.

    She lunged at him again. Nakoa sidestepped and she whirled on him. He yanked his helmet off. Les froze, meeting his warm brown gaze. He raised a blaster and fired.

Nur: 18 BBY
Fortress Inquisitorius
Nakoa Sen

    Alarms were blaring as Nakoa holstered his blaster and threw his helmet on again. He scooped up Lesia's unconscious body, making sure to grab her lightsaber as well. "I hope you can forgive me for that, on top of everything else," he grunted. Nakoa ran from the room and started towards a lift.

    He activated his comm, hoping it hadn't been jammed. "Ketei, is our exit still clear?"

    "Not exactly." He heard muffled blaster fire. "Purge troopers are cutting you off. I'm doing what I can but we have to hurry."

    Nakoa swapped frequencies without giving her a reply. "Manon, I've got her."

    "I'm right behind you."

    He glanced back. She was running after him. Manon caught up to him quickly. "Ketei says purge troopers are blocking off our path to the exit."

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