Frozen and Revitalized

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Corellia: 18 BBY
Clan Covert
Nakoa Sen

    Nakoa leaned his head against the table and watched Ketei work from the corner of his eye. She was crafting a helmet for one of the foundlings. "You are bored?" Ketei asked, moving the molten beskar into its mold. Nakoa had been surprised to learn that there was still plenty of beskar left, even after she'd made some armor and weapons.

    "I'm a wanderer. We're not used to staying put for so long."

    "I thought you were enjoying your time off."

    "I was, but now it's boring. I wish I was doing something." His thoughts flickered towards Tarek, as they had frequently these days. The anniversary of his parent's death was coming up soon.

    "Well," Ketei sighed and faced him. "I may have something for you. Galaar is missing."

    "What?" Nakoa straightened immediately.

    "He left for Geonosis the same time you went to Kashyyyk. He made contact two days later and I haven't heard from him since."

    "Why didn't you say something before?"

    "You know how Galaar is. It can be several days before you hear anything from him. I want you and Oni...and Les?" She tilted her head questioningly. Nakoa nodded. "I want the three of you to go to Geonosis and see if you can find him."

    Nakoa clenched his jaw, then replied. "What was he doing on Geonosis anyway?"

    "We heard that the Empire is preparing to start some sort of operation there. Galaar wanted to find out what it was, so I let him go," Ketei explained. "These were his last known coordinates." Nakoa held out his holodisk and she input the data. "Good luck."

    "I'll need it. Oni and Lesia are on the brink of severely injuring each other, I think."

    Ketei gave a small laugh and pushed him towards the door. "Worry about them when they're about to kill each other. There's nothing you'll be able to do until then."

    Nakoa inclined his head and stepped out. He paused, glancing back for a moment. Ketei sat down at her work table. Her shoulders slumped and she rested a helmeted head in her palms. She looked so tired, not at all like the proud woman who called him her son. Nakoa watched her worriedly for a moment longer before leaving.

    He found Oni within minutes and quickly explained the situation as they headed back to the Mythos. "What?" Oni exclaimed. "Why would Ketei wait to send someone after him?" She held up a hand before he got the chance to reply. "Never mind. I know Galaar. I suppose I wouldn't have suspected anything until now either."

    Nakoa nodded and held up his holodisk, revealing Galaar's old coordinates. "It looks like he was near one of the old droid factories, close to the Petranaki Arena."

    "He might've lost his comm signal if he went underground to investigate the factory," Oni said. "We should start there."

    "All right." They reached the Mythos and Oni entered the cockpit. The engines started up shortly.

    Les emerged from her cabin and blinked, appearing rather drowsy. "What's going on?"

    "We're going to Geonosis."

    Her eyes widened at the word. "Geonosis? Why?"

    "Galaar is missing and he was last seen there. Ketei wants us to find him."

    Les stared at him, panic welling up in her eyes. Nakoa still couldn't tell if they were blue or gray. She shook her head after a moment. "Right, of course."

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