Raging Concerns

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Nakoa Sen

He was staring at great black walls. Red flags hung everywhere, displaying the Imperial insignia. Nakoa twisted as a door hissed open. A dark hallway appeared. He took half a step back.

He was standing inside the hallway. Red lights lined the ceiling. Nakoa tried to run back, but it made no difference. The hallway was moving him forward. He could make out screams now.

"Come back! Don't leave me here!"

His heartbeat quickened. Nakoa was flying through the hallway now. He passed by cells, each one filled with someone he had once known.

"Please! Please don't leave me!"

Ellis and Fey. Feton and Tai. Oni. Galaar. Ketei. All of them were bruised. All of them stared at him with unmasked hatred. His father. His mother.

"Don't abandon me! Don't betray me!"

Mechanical breathing filled his mind. Nakoa gripped the sides of his head. Pain erupted through him. It felt as though someone had set every nerve in his body on fire.

"Nakoa, don't abandon me!"

He jerked his head up as he slammed to a halt. Les was strapped to a vertical table. Her lekku hung over her shoulders. Smoke rose from her body. Nakoa reached a hand towards her. She snapped her head up, her eyes full of rage.

"You abandoned me! You did this to me! It's your fault!" She screeched. Les jerked against her binds. Her eyes were shifting between silvery blue and a bloodthirsty orange. "Your fault! Your fault!" Nakoa tried to move away from her.

She broke an arm out of her bonds. Lesia gripped his neck with her hand. He gasped for breath as her grip tightened. "It's your fault! You did this to me!" Tears streamed down her cheeks. Nakoa clawed at her hand. Her tears began to flow red...blood. "You abandoned me."

He shook his head, darkness tinging his vision. "You killed me." The voices of his parents overlaid her own. Her grip vanished and Nakoa sobbed, her broken body appearing in his lap.

He pulled her close, shaking her. "Les, Les! Lesia!"

Her head rolled back limply. For a second, her gaze met his. She lifted her fingers to his lips. "Why..." she rasped. He grabbed her hand just as it went limp. Her breath escaped with a hush. She said nothing more.

Corellia: 18 BBY
Nakoa Sen

He tossed in a feverfull sleep. The dream came again and again. Lesia's body was more broken each time he saw it. Nakoa bolted upright and barely made it to his sink before he vomited.

He rinsed his mouth and slumped against the wall. Nakoa wiped some damp hair from his face. Shivers wracked his body. He scrubbed at his forehead, nausea building up once more. "What is wrong with me?" He groaned. He was sick again, then returned to his bunk.

Corellia: 18 BBY
Market Place
Lesia Mirri

Les looked over a few meiloorun fruits that the merchant had offered her. She selected one and handed over the specified credits. She took the fruit and added it to her small crate of supplies. Les had been shopping all morning, on orders from Oni.

They'd already been on Corellia for four days. On the first day, she'd been left behind on the Mythos while Oni and Nakoa joined Ketei at the covert. On the third day, Nakoa had returned to the ship. She didn't know where Oni had been. Today, she was shopping and Oni was completing an odd job that Ketei had found for her. Nakoa was on the ship.

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