Risky Trades

215 13 0

Coruscant: 18 BBY
Feton Ralius' Stronghold
Lesia Mirri

    Feton stood and approached them. He glanced over Nakoa and Oni, his expression giving away nothing. He turned to her and smiled. "Hello there. What's a pretty thing like you doing with the two of them?"

    Les crossed her arms and lifted her chin. "I work with them."

    "Oh, do you now?" Feton hooked a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head from side to side. She sensed anger rush over Nakoa, accompanied by...jealousy?

    Les pulled her head away. "I'm surprised you didn't notice me sooner, given your reputation."

    Feton chuckled, lowering his hand. "I saw you right away, rest assured. For the sake of formality, I had to address the situation first."

    Nakoa stepped in between the two of them. "Can we at least explain things to you a bit more?"

    "Come on." Feton grabbed his helmet and led the way out of the throne room. They headed down a narrow hallway. People pressed themselves against the walls as Feton breezed past. He acknowledged a few of them with small nods, but nothing more. They reached a remote room and entered. Feton dropped into a seat and waved his hand.

    "I met an employee of yours on Nal Hutta," Oni explained. "He said his name was Nevere. He told me that you had sent spies out to monitor Tarek Vizsla. We tracked you down in hopes that you'd tell us where Tarek is."

    Les sat down and crossed her legs. Feton's gaze strayed towards her, although he appeared semi attentive to what Oni was saying. "I may know where he is."

    "Where?" Nakoa exclaimed.

    "Hold on." Feton raised a hand and brought his attention towards him. "Why do you want to kill Tarek? I understand vengeance for our Clan, but why now? It's been..." he counted off on his fingers for a moment, "eighteen years since the attack."

    "That doesn't matter. Don't you want to kill him too? He slaughtered our Clan. He's responsible for the death of my parents."

    "He's responsible for mine too." Feton pursed his lips and closed his eyes, thinking. "I don't need or want revenge. I don't care about the old Clan. All that matters now are the men here with me. If you want to kill Tarek, then be my guest. I'll tell you where to find him."

    "Where?" Nakoa prompted.

    Feton flashed him a smile. "I don't know where he is at the moment. I'll have to get in contact with my spies. That means you get to stay put for the time being."

    "Our ship," Oni began.

    "I'll make sure it stays safe. Those Ugnaughts work for me."

    Of course they do. Les rolled her eyes. Feton noticed the gesture.

    "You, come with me." He pointed at her and stood. Lesia's mouth dropped open in shock.

    Nakoa butted in front of her. "Absolutely not."

    "Relax." Feton patted a patronizing hand on the top of Nakoa's helmet. It was a strange gesture, seeing as Feton was shorter than him. "She'll be safe with me."

    Les stood hesitantly. Feton moved ahead and waited beside the door. Nakoa gripped her arm as she tried to walk past him. "What are you doing?" He hissed. "Remember what we were told about him?"

    Les paused and let her senses brush past Feton. She sensed no malice. Only curiosity and a subtle attraction. "I'll be fine," she replied. His grip tightened on her ivory arm. "Nakoa." He sighed and let go. She followed Feton into the hallway.

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