Bargaining for Freedom

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Disclaimer: The artwork featured above is not mine. It was made for me by a friend on amino, who also happens to be on Wattpad. Check out ValarousDenivene for some awesome content! (Again, thank you so much for the art!)

Tatooine: 19 BBY
Jabba's Palace
Nakoa Sen

    Music filled the main chamber of the palace. No one gave him a second glance as he entered. Nakoa spotted Jabba the Hutt himself lounging on a dais. Several Twi'leks danced before him.

    He pulled his attention away from them and scanned the room. This could be harder than I thought. Everyone here is bound to be a smuggler or bounty hunter. How will I know which one she is?

    He leaned against a wall and watched the people who milled about the room. A droid rolled past and offered him a drink, but Nakoa refused. A Zabrak approached him as soon as the droid left.

    "Nothing to your taste?" The Zabrak asked.

    "No." Nakoa crossed his arms and continued to survey the crowd.

    "You have pretty expensive taste, then. You'll only find the finest of any kind of drink here."

    "I suppose Jabba has credits to spend."

    The Zabrak barked a laugh and slung an arm around Nakoa's shoulders. "Credits! Not Imperial, I hope. The day Jabba the Hutt accepts Imperial credits will be the end of the galaxy."

    "I haven't seen any sign of the Empire on Tatooine."

    "Not yet. They're not stupid enough to underestimate Jabba's power. I'm just waiting for them to make a deal with him."

    Nakoa gave the man his full attention, finally. "Why would the Empire make a deal with Jabba?"

    "So that they'll get off his hit list. They'll end up needing passage through this system at some point or other. The only way to get through here safely is with Jabba's blessing. The Republic knew it and soon, the Empire will too."

    Nakoa arched an eyebrow. "What business did the Republic have in the Outer Rim? I thought the systems out here were left to themselves."

    "Where were you during the Clone Wars, Boy?" The Zabrak gave him an incredulous look. "We may be remote, but the planets out here are strong and made good base areas for both the Republic and the Separatists. The Seppies wanted to get at Kamino, where the cloning facilities were. The Republic wanted to protect their cloning factories and medical bases."

    Nakoa rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't need a history lesson." The Zabrak continued to ramble on, ignoring his comment. Nakoa tuned him out and went back to his surveillance. An odd feeling washed over him, sending shivers down his back.

    He half turned his head. A white Twi'lek dancer was staring at him. He recognized the look in her eyes. It was one he'd worn himself many times. It was the scarred and empty look of one who'd witnessed some unspeakable horror in their time.

    "Oh, that one's new," the Zabrak said, noticing Nakoa's stare. "She got here yesterday but today's her first day dancing."

    "Who is she?"

    "I don't know. She was a smuggler for some pirate. He traded her to Jabba for a few containers of spice."

    Nakoa gritted his teeth. He brushed past the Zabrak without another word. The Twi'lek continued to watch him as he approached. A Gamorrean prodded her in the back. She shot him a glare but obeyed and began dancing again.

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