Scattered Search

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Stygeon Prime: 18 BBY
"Shrouded Claw"

    Manon hovered around the prison until she saw a transport ship leave at last. She closed her eyes, seeking out Lesia's presence. She was on the shuttle. Manon opened her eyes and followed the ship. Exhaustion tugged at her mind, but she forced herself to remain focused.

    I must keep this ship invisible and I have to find out where they're taking her, Manon reminded herself. She wasn't willing to let the Empire take her new friend without a fight.

    Manon opened her comm channel. With a wave of her hand and a small chant, she was patched into the Imperial shuttle and could hear every word they said.

    "Set course for Nur. Lord Vader is having a special cell prepared for the Jedi."

    Manon leaned over the navicomputer and set the coordinates. She knit her brows. Nur is one of Mustafar's moons. Why would they take her there? She waited for the Imperial shuttle to jump to lightspeed.

    As soon as the ship disappeared, she dropped the illusion over the Shrouded Claw. Manon narrowed her eyes and activated the hyperdrive. She stood and paced the length of the ship, a multitude of thoughts heavy in her mind.

    "Once I know where they're taking her, I'll get a scan of the building," she decided. "I'll form a plan from there and return when I can. I will not let the Empire take her." Manon clicked her talons together in anticipation. "I have already lost many sisters. I won't lose another."

    Another thought surfaced. "I don't understand why she couldn't control her anger. Even with everything I taught her, she was still struggling." Manon pinched the bridge of her nose. "Those Mandalorians must have done a number on her head."

    She pulled herself out of her thoughts as the navicomputer began beeping. Manon ducked into the cockpit and deactivated the hyperdrive. She spread her hands, letting her magick flow free. A green glow tinged her vision as she cast the spell, hiding the ship from Imperial eyes.

    Nur appeared before her. An Imperial fleet blockaded the moon. She flew past it without issue. A water drenched view met her gaze. Amidst the waves stood a lone building. The Imperial shuttle was preparing to land.

    Manon raised a brow. There were no landing platforms in sight. Her eyes widened in surprise as a platform rose above the water. The shuttle touched down. A few stormtroopers made their way off the ship. Les was thrown over one's shoulder. They disappeared into the fortress and the shuttle departed. The platform sunk beneath the waves once again.

    Manon turned her attention to the welcoming committee. A towering man with a black cape greeted them first. Two people stood behind him, with circular blades strapped to their backs. Manon recognized them immediately.

    "Inquisitors," she growled. She had met one during her travels. It wasn't a pleasant memory. Manon bore a few scars from their fight. "This must be an Inquisitor Fortress." A few stormtroopers waited with them. She had never seen their particular division before. These stormtroopers wore black and carried electrostaffs of some kind.

    They entered the fortress shortly. Manon activated her scanner and circled above it. Her mouth dropped open, spying the size of it. The Fortress was built mainly underwater. There seemed to be a few entry points down there. She made a mental note of that. As soon as the scan was complete, she urged the Shrouded Claw away from the dark building.

    "Don't worry, Les," she whispered. "I'll be back. First, I need to find some friends of yours. If anyone can break into an Inquisitor Fortress, it's a Nightsister and a few Mandalorians." She set course for Corellia and activated the hyperdrive as soon as she cleared the Imperial blockade.

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