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Wobani: 18 BBY
Mud Plains
Nakoa Sen

    Anticipation coiled in his stomach as the Mythos soared over Wobani's rough landscape. Les and Oni were silent in their seats. Feton, however, was jabbering away. Nakoa rolled his eyes and tuned him out. Feton had invited himself along, claiming they needed him to get past Imperial security checkpoints.

    Despite himself, Nakoa had to admit that Feton was right. His spy had provided clearance codes that got them past the Imperial blockade and down to the planet. Still, Nakoa didn't know why Feton couldn't have just told them.

    "Land up here," Feton directed. He pointed to a semi dry area on the mud plains. In the distance lay a cluster of large rock formations. "According to my spy, Tarek has set up a temporary camp among the rocks. With any luck, he hasn't spotted us yet."

    "It doesn't matter. Let him know we're coming," Nakoa replied. He prepped the landing gear and set the ship down where Feton had ordered. Oni stood and followed Feton off the ship. Nakoa checked his weapons and began to follow.

    Les stood and braced a hand on his chest, halting him. Nakoa flashed her a brief look of annoyance. "Don't start lecturing me now."

    "I'm not going to." She swallowed, a small amount of fear gleaming in her eyes. "Just be careful. Someone as wanted as Tarek hasn't survived this long purely on luck. I don't want to have to help Oni bring your body back to Ketei."

    Nakoa stared at her, then slid a hand to the back of her head and pressed their foreheads together. He closed his eyes for a moment. He'd only seen his parents share the Keldabe kiss a few times, occasionally as an attack on an enemy. He knew Les wouldn't know the significance behind the small gesture, but that didn't matter.

    "Don't worry," he said, then stepped around her.

    Feton and Oni were waiting a short distance from the ship. "I ran a thermal scan," Oni said. "It's just one lifeform. He's there."

    Nakoa nodded. "Feton, with me. Oni, bring Les along and don't drop her."

    "She's scared of heights, I know," Oni muttered. "Don't get yourself killed before we get there."

    "I don't plan to." Nakoa activated his jetpack and took off. A few seconds later, Feton was flying alongside him. Nakoa flipped his rangefinder down and scanned the rock formation. He could see a makeshift tent propped up between two large rocks. There was a small clearing before it. A lone man sat nearby. He flipped the scanner up again and narrowed his eyes.

    Tarek jumped to his feet and drew a blaster as the two of them landed. "Who are you? What do you want?" He demanded.

    Nakoa drew his vibroblade and held it towards Tarek hilt first, letting the signet show. "I'm Nakoa Sen, a survivor of Clan Ralius. I invoke the Code to seek justice and challenge you, Tarek Vizsla, to single combat. You'll pay for what you did to my people."

    Tarek watched him, almost looking amused. "I have no idea who you are."

    "You asked me where you could find him." Nakoa jerked his head towards Feton. "An heir. You used explosives in an attempt to kill me and my parents. They were crushed by a beam, saving my life." His voice caught, but Nakoa pushed through it and continued to speak. "You told my father that you were trying to prove you were the better choice to lead your Clan and House. He told you that neither you nor your brother were worthy."

    "Raada," Tarek growled. "You're his son."

    "I am, and I'll say this only once more. I challenge you to single combat."

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