Bonded Pieces

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Alderaan: 19 BBY
Lesia Mirri

Hyperspace was silent. Night had fallen when they'd left Zeffo and as soon as they were safely on their way to Alderaan, everyone had settled down for some rest. Oni had unceremoniously shown Les to the cabin she was currently sitting in.

Lesia watched Azie curiously. The silver droid was powered down in a corner, occasionally emitting a low rumble. She cupped her chin in her hand. The war affected so many, she thought. Even droids had friends stolen from them. Azie lost everyone, just like me. She closed her eyes. A sea of faces waited. Her eyes snapped open again.

No, I don't want to think about them, Les snapped at herself. It's too late now. I didn't mourn them then and I don't plan to start now. If I do, I don't think I'll be able to stop.

She slid off her bunk and grabbed her lightsaber. Lesia flipped it over in her hand and ran her fingers over the delicate engravings on it. A whisper of a memory clung to them. She relented and closed her eyes, allowing the Force to draw the memory out.

"Let the pieces speak to you," Ki Adi Mundi said gently. "They will guide you, just as you guide them. Bonding with your weapon will help you wield it better."

Les cracked an eye open and watched her master. "That makes no sense."

He turned her head back towards the hilt parts scattered before her. "Remember when we first began your training? You and I did not fit together well. You refused to listen to me. I would become frustrated with you. We wouldn't speak with each other unless we had to."

"Yes, I remember." She still hadn't apologized for her behavior towards her master. She had treated every member of the Jedi Order the same way for twenty one years. That's why she hadn't become a padawan until a few months ago. She had even refused to build a lightsaber and had simply used one of the Temple provided ones.

"But with time and patience, we learned to open up. We bonded, uniting our minds and spirits." Ki Adi knelt beside her and placed a small crystal into the midst of her saber parts. She had claimed the crystal only a week prior. "We bonded," he repeated, "and it helped us work together. The same will happen when you bond with your crystal and ultimately, your lightsaber."

Lesia nodded, understanding a little better now. She closed her eyes, opening herself to the Force. In her mind's eye, she saw the individual pieces of her lightsaber. In the center of them, her crystal. Les reached out and touched the crystal's presence with her own. A flare of light blinded her. She saw a glimpse of her finished saber, elegant and unique.

Les spread her physical hands above the saber parts and grabbed onto the image she saw. The Force spread from her to the pieces. They worked themselves together, clicking into place. Her crystal became sealed inside its chamber. When she opened her eyes, her saber was whole.

Lesia pulled it out of the air and stood. She glanced at her master. He gave her a small nod. Les ignited the blade. It erupted in a beautiful icy hue. Master Mundi smiled at her. "It will serve you well. This lightsaber is your friend. Treat it as such."

Lesia snapped her eyes open and shoved her lightsaber back in its satchel. "It's not my friend anymore," she whispered. "Now, it's just a brand, but one I can't part with."

She had tried. She had buried it on Mygeeto while the Lurmen tended to her injuries. In the middle of the night, she had returned to dig it up. She had thrown it over a cliff. Not even ten minutes later, she had scaled the rocks and recovered it.

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