Inner Turmoil

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Dathomir: 18 BBY
Lesia Mirri

Morning had come finally. Les remained seated in her small clearing. Four more animals sat before her, along with the nydak she had originally bonded with. They were all watching her.

Lesia's stomach growled, both with her own hunger and theirs. The nydak perked up with a growl. Les followed its gaze up into the tangled branches. Manon crossed her legs and watched them.

"I see you're not dead," Manon said with a grin. "Impressive."

Les blinked, unable to form words. Her mind was too full. Manon jumped down and the creatures all began snapping and growling at her. Les grimaced, trying to hold them at bay.

Manon walked through them without flinching. She crouched down before Les and tilted her head. "Is the other person still in your mind?"

Les managed to shake her head. She hadn't felt any foreign emotions since bonding with the animals. "You need to release them," Manon instructed, gesturing to the animals.

"I..." Les swallowed. "I don't...know how."

"It's easy. It's like drawing your senses back in after getting a feeling for your surroundings. Just pull yourself away from them." Manon paused with an afterthought. "And make sure you tell them not to kill you before you release them."

Les drew in a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut. Do not Why was forming words so hard? She was nearly panting for breath. Les drew her senses away from the creatures one at a time. She heard the animals wandering off as they were released. The nydak was the last to go.

Les opened her eyes with a gasp and drew in several ragged breaths. "Why was that so hard? I could barely think."

"Your mind wasn't your own and neither were your thoughts. You shared it all with the animals," Manon explained. She offered Les a hand and pulled her to her feet.

"I heard voices last night. They sounded similar to you. Were they dead Nightsisters?"

"It's possible. Our souls are tethered to this place. We have spells that can even reanimate the dead for a time. Perhaps they felt your power and it drew them to you. Not even I understand it all."

Les stifled a yawn. "I imagine you have more work for me today?"

"No," Manon shook her head. "You can rest now."

They left the forest and reached the Shrouded Claw. Les wasted no time in going to her appointed cabin. She flopped onto the bunk and closed her eyes.

Sleep didn't come quickly. Les tossed and turned, images flashing in her head. Some of them were memories of her own. Others, she didn't recognize. Finally, sleep claimed her and with it came all of the nightmares she'd begun to fear.

Corellia: 18 BBY
Nakoa Sen

Music hummed through the ship, catching his attention. Nakoa headed out of his room and found Les practicing her dancing. She smiled, spying him.

Nakoa leaned against a wall and watched her. Her steps didn't falter as she spun. She held out a hand a moment later. He grinned to himself and joined her.

They began dancing once more. Les wrapped one of his arms around her waist and leaned back against him. She closed her eyes. "Why did you do it?" She asked softly.

"Do what?"

"Why did you leave me?" Les pulled away from him, suddenly.

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