Clan Cuyan

297 17 1

Dathomir: 18 BBY
Location N/A
Nakoa Sen

    Nakoa followed Ketei a good distance away from the cave. They stayed in the open, though, wary of what creatures might wait in the overgrowth. Ketei faced Nakoa at last. He sat down and began to tend to his leg wound. He said nothing, letting her look him over.

    "You look...older than I expected," Ketei said at last. "Though I suppose you have always been a little boy in my mind."

    He finished with his leg and straightened. Nakoa drew a deep breath and began his explanation. "I'm sorry, Ketei. When I found her, she thought I was an illusion. It was the only thing I could think of in the moment. When we got back to the ship...I just hoped it would help her realize I was really there. I know it's not something I should've decided in the moment, but I felt like I had to. Besides," he faltered for a moment.

    "It was going to happen eventually. I've been thinking about what I want for my life. The Clan means a lot to me and so do you, but I can't live by the Creed anymore. I don't believe in it the way you do. I'm sorry." Nakoa fell silent.

    "I know. Our way of life isn't for everyone. I'm proud that you can choose your own path, even though I'm sad it will lead you away from me."

    Nakoa shook his head. "It won't lead me away from you. You're like my mother. No Creed will keep me from you."

    Ketei hesitated, then hugged him. "I am glad to hear that. You will come visit me, then?"

    Nakoa nodded. "You should extend that invitation to Galaar too. I know he devoutly follows the Creed, but he's still your friend." He laughed after a moment. "And I'm not giving my armor or weapons back."

    Ketei let go of him with a chuckle. "I wouldn't ask you to give them back. You're still a Mandalorian. I'm not so blind a follower to not acknowledge that."

    "Thank you."

    "Go check on Lesia. We'll talk more later." Ketei waved him off. Nakoa gave her a sideways smile and headed back towards the cave.

Dathomir: 18 BBY
Nightsister Cave
Lesia Mirri

    Memories filled her dreams, both good and bad. She embraced them all, letting them run their course. Les didn't fight them. She felt stronger, as though something were aiding her. Her anger was fading. Her pain was still there, but duller than before.

    She blinked her eyes open, expecting to see the walls of her cabin. Instead, red stone and green fire met her gaze. Les sat up carefully. Manon knelt nearby. She lifted her head, hearing Les.

    "Are you whole?" Manon asked.

    "I feel better, if that's what you mean."

    Manon grinned and hugged her tightly. "I performed a healing ritual on you to heal your physical and mental health."

    "So that's why I felt stronger. I feel...restored." Les smiled. "I feel like myself."

    "I'm glad. I wish I could've helped sooner."

    "You did what you could. I'm grateful." Les glanced around, biting her lip. "Where's Nakoa?"

    "Outside. He was talking to Ketei, I think." Les began to stand. Manon wrapped an arm around her and helped her up. "Just take it easy for at least a little while."

    "I will," Les promised.

    She stepped out of the cave and cast her senses out. He was nearby. Les spied Oni standing beside the Mythos. I'll talk to her later, she decided. Les perked up as Nakoa appeared up ahead.

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