Brutal Methods

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Corellia: 18 BBY
Lesia Mirri

    Les sighed and dropped her head onto the table before her. They had been on Corellia for nearly two weeks. She hadn't seen Nakoa or Oni, except the one time they came back so Nakoa could modify something on the Mythos. She guessed they were staying at their Clan's covert.

    The temptation to leave the Mythos had been strong, but she had ignored it thus far. Corellia was swarming with Imperials and she didn't want to wind up captured or shot for some odd reason. Lesia pulled her lightsaber out and rolled it back and forth on the table.

    Thankfully, her dreams had been nightmare free. She hadn't had as many flashbacks during the day, either. The worst day so far had been the passing of the year. Citizens had celebrated with fireworks and explosives. The sound had drawn up terrible memories and Lesia had spent most of the night shut up in her cabin.

    She stood and activated her lightsaber. Lesia began to run through the basic forms quickly, relaxing in the familiar rhythm. A memory began to surface and she allowed it to.

    "Concentrate, Younglings. Feel the Force surround you," Master Yoda said in his gravelly voice. "Guide your movements, it will. Like water, the Force flows. In harmony, you must be. Flow with the Force, not against it."

    Lesia leaned against the wall, watching her fellow younglings train. Master Yoda glanced at her from time to time, but she made no move to obey his instructions or take part in the lesson. She tucked away the knowledge for later, though.

    At last, Master Yoda ended the lesson. The younglings filed out. Lesia followed them, but Master Yoda stopped her, placing his staff across her stomach. She paused and crossed her arms.

    "Against the Force you flow, young one," he said. "A hard path that is. Dangerous and dark, will it be."

    "I've already told you, Master. I don't care. I don't want to learn." Lesia fed frustration into her gaze.

    He shook his head. "Walk with me. Company, I desire."

    She tilted her head back and sighed, but obeyed. They entered the gleaming hallway and started in a random direction. Sunlight bathed the Temple in golden hues. For a moment, Les smiled at the simple elegance of it.

    "Beautiful it is," Master Yoda said, as if sensing her thoughts. "A delicate balance we keep. Around you, light and peace you see. Out there," he pointed out a window with his staff, "chaos, you will find. Darkness, anger, and fear. Fight against the will of the Force, they do. Despair it brings them."

    Lesia watched the city through the window. She knew he spoke the truth. She could sense the clouded feelings of the people beyond the Temple. "What does that have to do with me?"

    "I sense despair in you." He turned his warm gaze towards her. "Let it grow, you cannot. Dispel your anger, you must, or consume you it could. Learn to flow with the Force, not against it."

    Lesia gave an indigent huff. "I don't want to be a Jedi. How many times do I have to say that before you'll let me leave?"

    Master Yoda shook his head. "A Jedi, this will not make you."

    That caught her attention. "Then...what?"

    "Wise and safe," he replied. "Safe from the Dark Side will you be, if in harmony with the Force you are. A useful skill it is, whether you are a Jedi or not."

    Lesia lowered her gaze, thinking over his words. She gave a small nod. "I'll think about it."

    Master Yoda touched her hand gently before hobbling away. Les watched the city a moment longer, then returned to her quarters.

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