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Kalevala: 13 BBY
Clan Cuyan Territory
Lesia Sen

    Les stroked her tiny son's honey brown lekku with a smile. Adi was only a few days old and they had been the best few days of her life. Nakoa entered the room and dropped down onto the bed beside her. He kissed her, then kissed Adi's forehead.

    "Has he always had those darker splotches on his lekku?" Nakoa asked.

    Les rolled her eyes and nodded. "Some Twi'leks are born with markings like that." He glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. "Whether they're whole blooded or not," she laughed. "Has Oni arrived yet?"

    Nakoa nodded. "She and Tilla got back a few minutes ago."

    Les nodded, then turned her attention back to Adi. Her thoughts began to drift, as they often did. Five years had passed since they formed Clan Cuyan. It had taken a good deal of convincing to get Bo Katan to let them have Clan Ralius' old territory, but after a visit from Feton, she sent them on their way.

    As Oni had requested, Galaar had been tracked down. The former Mandalorian joined their Clan without hesitation and even brought along a few friends he'd made. Drystan and Tilla had joined as well. Only a year later, Oni came along. Manon had returned to Dathomir three years prior and returned with a Nightbrother. They had a daughter of their own now, who delighted in learning magick from her mother.

    Nakoa still made frequent trips to Corellia to see Ketei and every once in a while, she would come to see them. Oftentimes, she would be bringing foundlings who didn't want to live under the Creed. Les was just surprised they'd avoided large amounts of Imperial attention so far. 

    Les drew herself from her thoughts as Adi started fussing. She straightened, but Nakoa stopped her. "I've got it." He took his son and started walking around the room, rocking him gently.

    Les smiled and sat back. "Well, look at you. You were afraid to hold him three days ago."

    "I thought I would drop him," Nakoa admitted. He rubbed his nose against Adi's with a grin.

    "I told you that was an unfounded fear."

    Nakoa rolled his eyes. "One of us has to keep Amara away from him. She's already told Manon something about turning him into a rock."

    "I'll make sure Manon tells Amara that they can't play together until he's at least five," Les giggled.

    She fell silent and watched the two of them happily. At last, Nakoa returned Adi to her. Les rocked him gently. A few minutes later, she heard a faint snore. She glanced down and snickered to herself. Nakoa had fallen asleep.

    Les turned her gaze back to Adi as he blinked open his brilliant blue eyes. He made a small sound, reaching towards her. She let him grab onto one of her fingers. "You're going to be a brave warrior just like Daddy, aren't you?" She cooed. "And I will teach you the ways of the Force."

    She had sensed its strong presence within his young body. The galaxy was a dangerous place for people like them, but she wasn't afraid. The Force works in mysterious ways, as her master had always said. Someday, the Empire would fall and peace would be restored. Someday, the Jedi might return. Her son could be among their ranks, should he so choose. Les smiled once more and kissed his forehead.

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