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Corellia: 18 BBY
Nakoa Sen

    He woke with his arms still wrapped around Les. She was still asleep, her blindfold half off. He blushed as he watched her. Nothing had happened, exactly. She'd just fallen asleep and he hadn't bothered to wake her up. Nakoa smiled to himself and brushed his knuckles across her lekku. He slid off his bunk and threw his armor on quickly.

    "Where are you going?" Les murmured.

    "To talk to Ketei. I want to let her know I'm feeling better."

    "Are you?"

    "Almost back to my old self," he replied. Nakoa lifted his helmet just above his lips and kissed her. "I won't be long."

    She nodded, her eyes closing once more. Les was asleep again when he stepped out of the room. Nakoa quickly made his way off the ship and started walking towards the covert.

    The streets were unusually quiet. Only a few people walked around. Clouds loomed thick overhead, promising rain later in the day. Nakoa stiffened as he heard the muffled garble of stormtroopers. A platoon of them stood up ahead. They broke off in separate directions and began searching for something.

    Nakoa ducked down an alley and ran the rest of the way to the covert. He reached the entrance and caught sight of a familiar figure. "Ketei!"

    She turned and sprinted towards him. "I was just coming to see you. Oni contacted me before she left and told me you were sick. I didn't get any updates so I thought I should come check on you."

    "I'm feeling better," Nakoa said. "I meant to contact you sooner but I got distracted."

    She released a sigh and dropped a hand onto his shoulder. "Let's talk in the covert. There's too many Imperials up here for my liking."

    Nakoa nodded his agreement and followed her into the old storm pipe. Thunder boomed as they disappeared underground. The covert was silent as they made their way towards Ketei's chambers. Nakoa guessed that everyone was still asleep. They entered Ketei's room and she closed the door behind them.

    "Do you know why you were sick?" She asked, sitting down beside him.

    "Les thought that it might've been brought on by what happened with Tarek. It messed with my emotions and made me physically sick."

    Ketei nodded. "That's possible. Les was with you then?"

    "Oni didn't want her to come along for the bounty so yeah." Nakoa's cheeks grew warm. Imagine if she had gone along.

    "What is it?" Ketei prompted.

    Nakoa bit his lip, thinking. "I'm falling in love with Les," he said at last.

    "I wondered."

    "I told her that."

    Ketei seemed faintly surprised. "And what did she say?"

    "She didn't really say anything at first. It was an accident and I think I scared her, honestly, but..." he clasped his hands, his face growing warmer. "She let me kiss her."

    "She saw your face?"

    "No, she blindfolded herself."

    Ketei tilted her head curiously. "She blindfolded herself so that you could kiss her?"

    "Not exactly. She's done it before when I had a nightmare about my parents. She had blindfolded herself to take care of me while I was sick." Ketei was nodding slowly. Nakoa looked down. "I wanted to take her blindfold off but she wouldn't let me. She told me I had to be sure first, because she knows what that means for me."

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