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AN: dis is NOT CANON TO CBL SO PLEASE DONT!!! EVEN SAY IT IS!!! marry chrismas!!

"DIO we have to hurry and get to da strip club!!!" I hoped into my ferrai that I got as a early Christmas present and DIO followed after meh. I stepped on da gas pedal and drove towards the strap club. Kakyoin was kidnappd by mob bossu's Koichi and Joatroo! They told me and Doi if we don't give dem a milllllions dollars den dey will kill him!! I was sweating. I didn't want my bf to die on Christmas e. But Yasuho used her paisle prak to show us where he twas. SO me and Do were hedin towards the strip club.

"Gappy how long until they kill him?" DIO asked. I bite my lip thinking to myslef wats theys saids in the phone call. I was under a lot of stress. Usually I would be just fine remembering stuffs but right now I can't remember anyfing. (It's not gappy's falt if she can't remember anything. She perfect the wy she is.)

"I dunno midnight I fink." we keep driving until we make it too da strip club. There's a bouncer in da front. I was starting to worry. what if he won't let me in? What if he calls the police on me. He would know that I'm only 17. He has good eyes!! I needed to use my stand to help me.

"Soft and wet." I whispered. A bubble floated towards him. It popped in his eyes. 

"Mi eyes!!! I lostst my eyes!!!" He fell to the ground. Me and Doi walked past him. Close call. the strip club was decorated for da holidays. I was a blushing mess. There were girls in there skimmies!!! On da pole was... Diavolo!! I mean it isn't that surprising at all but still.

"I'm goning to look around in the back Gappy." Did kissed me. I blushed. "You search around the main stage for Koichi or Joator." I nodded me head and turned back to Diavolo.

I walked to him on the pole. He was dancing to a Booty blues song. And right next to him throwing money was... Father Pucci. I gasped.

"Farther Pucci!?" He looked at me shocked. "What are you doing here?!" He gathers his money and shoves it down his pocket. 

"Nothing! I was donating to charity!! I promise!" I crossed my arms.

"Ts tsk father Pucci. What would the church fink?" Pucci started to cry.

"Please Gappy I'll do anything just please don't tell the church!!!" I thought for a moment. Then got the perfect idea.

"Give away your $500 pants to homeless children." Pucci nodded his head.

"Yes Gappy. Anything for you!" he ran out of the club. I smirked and looked back Diavolo. I was blushing super hard. He looked super sexah. He even had a sex pack. I would tap dat. Diavolo looked at me and smirked.

He started to crawl towards me in a sexy wy. "Hey baby>" He winked at me. I blushed even harder. "How's about you's and me go back into the back room and have sum fun?" He purred at me. I was blushing super hard rn.

God he was sooo hot.

"Uhm.. I fink Im a little 2 yung for that." his hand caresd my cheek.

"Well lucky for you I like em young." (Gi's Diavlo is not pedo the legal age of concent in Gapan is 13 so it's aight.) He pulled me closer to him. He was going to kiss me. Then all of a sudden there was a man who looked like Diavolo but he was scared and stuff.

"Who are u?" I asked. He looks at meh frighted.

"Stay away from me!" He scooted back. Diavolo looked at this imposter.

"And why is dis imposter on my stage." Diavolo pulled a gun out of this thong. The imposter was lookin real scrad.

"Get away from me!" Diavolo shot him in the head.

"God riddance." He sed all happy. "That man looked real sus." I nodded my hed. "Now..." he purred. He wrapped his hands around me. "Where were we?" we were about to kiss until dio grabbed my arm.

"Gappy I found them we gotta go!" He pulled me away from Diavolo. I waved him goodbye.

"What is it DIO?" I asked d. 

"I found them theyre in the back getting blow jobs." I cringed. 


"Yes gappy it's gross but Kakyoin also back Der. so we have to stop them." I nooded my head and went to the door. DIO pulled out his stand ZA WORLDO and punched the door open. I pulled out my stand soft and wet and turned out the lights.

"I can't see!!" I grabbed Kakyoin and DIO punch Joot and Koichi in the balls.

"Thats what u get for stealing my bf!" I spit on them and left. We got in my car. and drove off to DIO house. 

"Thank you Gappy." He patted my head." Merry Chritmas " He walked into his house. It was just me and Kakyoin. I looked into kakyoins Red eyes. God he was hot. 

"Come on Gappy we gots to go home." he blushed an looked at the windows. I smiled and drove off to his house. We finally we made it. We walked to his door.

"Thank you for saving me gappy..." He kissed my cheek. "Marry hristmas" I held the spot where kissed me. I giggled. 

"Merry Christmas Kakyoin.."

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