Chapter Twelve - Grounded

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An: kekw I dont know what that means help?

"Gappy we need to talk..." My mom sat me down on the couch. My stomach swelled with anxiety. I knew that the news would be covering the jail break.

"W-wht do you need to talk a-bout mom?" I could barely get the words out of my mouth. My dad gives me a pissed look.

"You know missy..." My moom looks back at my dad. She glares and he sits down.

"Gappy we watched the news and we saw what you did..." He said. 

I stand up. "But Kimmi is innocent!!" I creamed out. My dad stood up.

"Shut it and listen!" He yelled at me. I sat back don crossing my arms. Okuyasu put his hand on my shoulder.

"You broke Kimmi out of prison and doesn't matter if she's innocent or not. She was being kept in prison..." He said. "Gappy you know you shouldn't have done that. You could go to jail." My stomach dropped. I didn't wan to go to jail.

"We talked to the police and had an agreement to keep you in the house for 3 weeks and if your seen outside you'll be sent to jail for 5 years." I nodded and relaxed a bit. My eyes closed for a moment. This would all be over.

"And Gappy you are not aloud to see Kakyoin ever again." Gryo said. MY eyes shot open.

"What?!" I snapped my head to my dad. "Why?!" My dad got a angry face.

"Because he the reason why been acting up Gapan!!" He said.

"What do you mean?!" I asked. 

"I've seen the way you acted when got with him. You like are always with him causing trouble." He says. 

"Thats not true! Kakyoins done nothing wrong! He only did it because me!" I say but my dad didn't listen to me.

"I dont care whenever you do anything bad your aways with Kakyon!" He yeled.

"Thats not true!" I screamed at him. 

"Thats it's young lady go to your room!" 

"I hate you Dad!!" I stood up tears in my eyes and run up to my room slamming the door. I bust into tears. How could Gyro do this to me? I love Kakyoin. 

A day passed. Dad took away my phone and I haven't talked to my mom, Dad, gramps, my friend, DIO, or Kakyoin ever since that night. The sun is setting. I look over to the ocean. I missed Kakyoin and the trail was happing tonight. I needed to be there. But I couldn't just leave They would catch me on the cameras the installed to make sure I wouldn't leave. I hear a light knock at my door.

"Go away..." I said muffled by my pillow. 

"Oi if you need dinner it's on the oven Gappy me and your farther are going out. The front door is locked. Valentine is watching tv goodbye." and with that he left. I raise my head to look outside the window again. It was the only thing I could do since Gyro took my phone. Kira's windows open.

It's so weird that Kira's window faces mine. He's da biggest creep I know. He was so creepy even when having a normal conversation. He always looked at my hands. Wait? Hands? Why hans? I never really understood why he liked hands soo much. He's so creepy. Wait his window was open? This makes no senes he never has his window open. Then I have an idea I'll go to the his house through the window and go to thee trail.perfect plan.

I open my window. there was a big tree between our houses. I step onto a branch scootching towards his window. I began to crawl growing closer to his window. I looked into his room. It seemd to be empty. Boy was I wrong. I crawled into his room. The door was open slightly. Great now I just needed to get out his house and get to the trial. I slowly start to tip toe towards the door until...

"What are you doing here Gappy?" I looked behind me. And ter he was laying on his bed look at a picture of te Mona lida (U guys know what kirs doing wit dat pic ;)).

"Um I-i was um.." He then shushed me and started to walk over to me.

"Tell me Gappy why are you in my house?" he asked again. I was terrified the worst possibble ting has just happed.

"Wel?" He tapped his watched. I sighed.

"Well... I was sneaking out so I could go to the trial for Kimmi..." I said. He hummed.

"Aren't you ground dearest Gappy?" I nodded my head. He tsked at me.

"Oh Gapy what are your parents going to fink? Their daughter sneaking out when she said she wouldn't. How sad. Well I guess you'll be going to prison for a long, long time gappy." Kira said in a taunting voice. The fear of being sent to jail swarmed my body. This cannot be happing to me... Without thinking I threw my body onto his. We both fell to the ground with a thud. I was on top of him. We both were looking into eachothrers eyes.

"Please..." I said in a low whisper. "Dont tell them..." I begged. Kira wore a smug look on his face.

"Why should I not Gappy? You have to give me a reason gappy." He said. My mind raced to find something to offer. Nothing else popped in my mind but one thought.

"Y-you can have me... You can do whatever you want to me Kira..." I said. His smile grew.

"Oh really?" I nodded blushing.

"Stand up Gappy." He said in a v. serious voice. Without thinking for a second I stood. Kira kneels down to me. I look at him with a blushing face.

"W-what are u doing Kir?" I asked. He grabbed my hand.

"You'll see...." He Then sticks my ring finger into his mouth!! I was about to pull away until I felt the sensation of his tongue swirling around my finger. I look at him in utter shock. He finally let my fignger go with a small pop.

"You taste so good Gappy..." He said. You can hear how horny he was. I was blushing so hard. I didn't know whether to tat as a compliment or be disgusted with him.

"Your soo soft too." he says while rubbing his face against my hand like a cat. Then he takes two of my fingers and sucks on them. He moans onto them. The worst part was I was getting used to it. He slid his hand down to his pants. I looked away from him. EW.

He then pulls out his sauce and puts them on my fingers and gets back to sucking. I thought this was never going to end. but then the door hits the wall. Kira stop and I look back to see Hole Horse. He''s drunk.

"Hey Kira do have anymore be-" He just stares to us. God this is the worst.

"When did you pick up a chick Kira?" He asks. Kira pops my digits out of his mouth.

"Thats none of your bissnous Hol Horse." Hol horse shrugs and stumbles back into his room. I hear a small thud.

"Uhm what was that?" Kira looks at me with a displeased expression.

"He does a lot. He's completely harmless though." Kira finally lets go of my hand.

"You may leave now." I nod and scurry down stairs.

Dont worry Kimmi im coming.

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