Crap 26 - Serching for the stone

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"Well be searching all of yalls rit now!" said eisdis. "Now first is you mista!!!" He yelled poking a finger behind everyone else. I quickly slipped the necklace into my shit. hiding it from everyone.. Mist walks up to den but before they could serch him Ermes entrupted them.

"Wtf mans this is mi brothers funeral!!" She cried. They pillar men stopped and locked at her. Wammu walked over to her. 

"Who is your brother?" He asked. I could see dat ERmes was shaking. 

"N-narancia..." sHe said. 

"Where is his body?" He asked her. She pointed at narania coffin. Wamm whalked towards his coffin. He stood over it then bent over. He grasped the coffin and picked it up. Everyone gasped. He throw the coffin out of the gym through the roof. He turned back to Ermes. "There. It's no a funerl anymore." Ermes fell to the floor crying. 

I was shocked. Who do these people think they are?! The pillar mans walk over to mista. 

"Alright mister take off ur clothes and let us serch your body for the stone." Wammu said. Mista sreeked. 

"Oh hell no! Dis can not be happin to me!!" He started to runaway from the boys until acdc ran behind him. He sprayed his blood all over mista. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH it burns!!!" Mista creamed then he fell onto the floor.

I had no clue what was going on. Mista was on fire? but I didn't seen no fire? Then I released that it must be the ability of one the pillar men! I look to see that acdc blood was glowing n stuff. Dis must be his stand!

I was about to pull out my stand to help but ediis picks up mist and strips him off all this clothing.

"there's nothing here lord Kars." he ses. Kars gives an annoyed sigh and pinched himself.

"Check his insides." He sed. I gasped. WTF. Suddenly esidis goes inside of mist and fuses with his body. HUH?!?!?! 

I here Jolene in the background barf on the ground. Fugo starts to laugh.

"I can't wait to see that hapen to one of the girls!" he'says all excited. He opens up his flip fone and then born this way appears. "What te fuck?" he says but before could close his phon he was frozen to death by Kimmi.

"What a crep." She says to me. I nod in agreement. Then we continue to watch in horrror as Mista body twists and shit. After a couple of minutes of this happening acdc leaves his body.

"there's nothing inside either." he sed in his annoying voice. Kars growls.

"Go search dat ed body then and me and wammu will serch the oders." I begin to freek out. There is no way Im letting them inside me. I pulled Kimmi into a corner.

"Hey wats up?" shes asks me.

"We should be getting out of here!" I whisper 2 her. She nods her head. we were about to walk out when Wammu grabbed Kimmi hands. She screamed.

"Get off me u prev!!" Kimmi slapped him across the face. He gave her an mean look.

"Dot slap me u bithc" he sed in a mean tone. Kimmi scream he was gonging inside her body.

"Kimmi NOOOO!!!" I yelled. I pulled out my stand. "Soft and wet" I yelled I made Kimmi's body really slippery. She slipped and started to slide around on the floor. Wammu tried to grab her again but she just slipped out of his grasp. He looked at me with a rage.

"Make her stop that you pitiful creature." Did he not see my stand? I was so confused. Then I realized that the pillar men didn't have Stans! this was good. I pulled out my Stan again and sent out a soap bubble. its took away his eyes. he started looking around for something and fell on the ground. I sent another soap bubble and took away his frictions.  

I took away kimmis slip and helped her her. Car leaves jolynes body and has a shocked expression.

"Wammu what's are u doing!!" e yelled. 

"Idk what's going on mars!" he screamed. Wammu then slid into a bunch of chairs. 

Kars yells really loudly "OK WITCH 1 OF U FUCKERS DID DIS!!!" he yelled at us. everyone was quite until Kimmi yelled.

"It was fater puci." se sed. KArs looked at Pucci in shock and then turned back 2 her.

"o it's not." he sed.

"How do you know that? shed asked him. KArs jutted looked @ her.

"Becuz I sed so." he sed again. 

"Then why don't you serch father Pucci he's closer to you." yelled Giorno. Kars looked nervous. y was he so nervous. "He might have da stone" Giorno sed again. kars shook tis hed.

"It's not him." now all us were confusion.

"How do you know?" sed Fugo who wasn't ded. cars got and evil look and his eyes he teleported to Fugo and chopped his head off. Everyone screamed and started running around.

"DOES ANY1 ELSE WANT 2 DIES?" he asked. People were still screamn and stuffs. I needed to get out but den eisdis grapes my arm. I yelp in surprise.

"Hey pretty girl u wants 2 take ur clothes off" 

"NNNOOOOO!" i cremaed. He was gong to go inside me and find the stone!! I closed my eyes accepting my fate. but when I oped them was was outside the gym. "Huh?" I sed I was confuse until I saw who was wit me. IT was DIO.

"DIO" I hugged me. He laughed and hugged me back.

"Don't worry gappy ur safe now." He sed in his sexah voice.  He then picked me up and started to runaway. I hear KArs yelling. he was mad. We got into dios sexah gothic car and drive away from de skool.

"DIO how did you know I was in danger?" I aske. He bites his lip and tells me he saw me wit his stand the passion.

We go to dios house and we go up to his room to have shreks. Everything was gettin hot and stemy until did started to scream.

"DIO! Whats rong!" I ask.

"MY Star it Hurts!!" I then flet the stone heat up really hot. I threw it on the ground. IT was glowing.

I gasped.

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