Chapter Seven- The plan (1)

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An: Hey guys Win-Chan hear!! WE GOT 2 100 VEIWSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Thank you guys sooooo much 4 sicking around!! Also @tooruhatersclub sorry that Kimmis in prison!! I hop u dont mind.

The week finally ended I went to Narancia's house which was closer to da school then mine. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. Narancia opened the door and hugged me.

"I miss you Gappy!!" he nuzzled his head into my neck. "It's really upsetting for me when I don't have any classes with you.." I patted his head brushing me fingys through his raven hair (Its not wierd for naranca to hug Gapan he's lik a brother to her ok. It's not lik he's in love with her or anyting).

"I glad I get to see you now." He pulled me into his house.

"Alright Gappy what's the plan?" I sit down.

"Well as you know Kimmi was taken to prison and she's going to be staying there for a vry lung time..." I pause and hold Naracia's hands. "But we are going to break her out of prison." Narncia gasps. 

"Gapan!! How are we suppose to do dat?! We're only a team of two." Narancia said.

I thought about for a moment then realized it would only be us. That wasn't good. We had to get more people on the team.

"We could get Yashuho." I said. Narancia pouted.

"Yashuho maybe free but what if she's not free?." Narancia said. I felt pretty stupid. "Why not your boyfriend? He's pretty strong." I thought about for a moment. 

"That Is a good idea Narancia but we need one more. Someone with a stand that could kill anyone with no problem." I kept thinking we could have Someone like Kira but he's too much of a creep for me. I could ask Doppio but he doesn't know who Kimmi is. Only one person came to mind. I was about to say something when suddenly the door burst open. We turned our heads it was Kimmi's bf White Snake!!

"Whaite Snek!" we bof said together.

"Why are you here White snak?" I asked. "I'm here to save my gf." he said in a cold voice.

"Wait how do you know where I live?" narcia asked. I ran up to whit snake.

"Don't worry we have a plan to save Kinni! We'll get her back." White smiled. "I'll help you. I joust want to save Kimmy..."

"Great we have another teammate. We should call Yasho." I nod and dial in Yasuho number. It takes a moment.

"Hello..?" Yashu says. "Hi." I say. "Oh hey Gappy what's up?" I took a breath. I knew Yasuho wouldn't want to go to jail, or ruin her reputation with the town. She's a good girl. She rarely gets into trouble, but she has a pretty useful stand that can help us get Kimmi back.

"Um Yasuho we're friends right?" I knew she could hear how nervous I was. "Yes why? Did someone say something about me not liking you?" I could tell how worried she was. "No but you would do anything for me right?" I asked.

Yashuho sighed. " of course I wood Gappy." I let a sigh "Well can I ask you a favor?"

"Yes anythings fine with me." I took a breath.

"Yasuho would you help us break Kimmi out of prison?" Yasuho went silent. 

"Is this some kind of joke Gappy?" she asked. "No Yasuho Im being seroius."

"Yasuho," I continued "You won't be going in you'll just be hacking into the locks and being our getaway driver. You won't have to kill anyone. No will get hurt just please help us save Kimmi..." She didn't answer for awhile. All hope was lost until. 

"So where we meeting up Gappy?" I smiled. "At Narancia's place. White snake is here too." I expelled.

"Good I'll bring mi stuff and ill be over there in a hour." I hung up.

"Ok now we just have yo get Kakyoin." I get into white snakes car and we drive to Kakyoin's place. 

I start to throw small rocks at his window. Kakyoin opens his window and spots me.

"Gapan what are you doing here?" He asks.

"It's a lot to explain Kakyon but I want to talk to you down here ok.?" I looks at me wif a loving look in his eyes.

"Yes my love." Kakyion came down to his yard.

"What is the problem Gappy?" he asked. Holding my hands while he said that.

"Well..." I blushed. "We need your help Kakyoin..." He gav me a warm smil.

"Anything for you my love." He kissed my cheek.

"Kakyoin I... I need your help with breking Kimmi out of prison..." I said.

Kakyoin gave me a worried look. "Why do you want to break Kimmi out of prison?"

I teared up "Because I know she's innocent Kakyion. She's my best friend!!! And I don't want her rot away in a prison Kekyon!" Tears rolled down my cheek. He whipped away my tears. 

"Don't cry sweetie." He kissed my cheek. "I will help you." I sniffled.

"Ok, but kakyoin you know if you help there's a chance that we might go to prison... Or we could die..." He pulled me into a hug.

"I don't car Gappy. I just want to help you. I just want to see your smile." 

"Thank you Kakyion..." White snake coughed we both looked at him.

"I guess we should start going..." kakyoin said.

"Yeah." we both got into the car and drove to naranica's place.

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