Chapter Fifteen - Back again

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I was going back to school. Yes after tree days I finally get to go out in public without being arrested. But the only bad part is I can't see Kakyoin!! My dad has forbidden me from seeing the only one I love (Bsides DIO)!! And now I sit hear wit my friends Yasuhi and Nara. Kimmi can't go back to school until next week becas she's being investegated.

"Hay yashuo can you pass da catsup?" Nara asked yasuho. She sighed and lean towards me.

"Hey, Gappy can you uh let go of the ketchup?" She asked me. I snip out of my thoughts.

"Huh? o here." I pass her the ketchup." Narancia puts his ketchup on his fruity beans. Yasuho looks at meh.

"Hey gappy are you ok? is somfen wrong? did someone make fun of u?" She asked. I looked at her wit tears in me eyes.

"What do u fink Yasuho?!" I shouted at her. "Well Kimmi's still being investagated and Kakyoins hasn't texted me in 4 days!!" Yasuho looked at me confused. "Well my dad said im not aloud 2 talk to kakyoin ever again. Butt he doesnt understand ok. It's love damn it!!" I slam my fists down and stand up. "You'll never understand Yasuho!!" I turn and ran with tears in my eyes. 

I made it to the girls bathroom and bust into tears. Why won't kakyoin talk to me?! I look at me phone and see that he hasn't even seen any of my texts!! Oh god what if he doesn't Luv me anymor?! Soemone knocks on my Stal.

"Quit crying!!! im trying to do my makeup!! fukin betch!" She kicks my stall causing me to finch. It was Youkako and her friends. They start to laugh and keep doing theyre makeup. I bring out my stand soft and wet and send out 3 bubbles. All 3 bubbles land on the girls taking away they're eyesight.

"Omg who turned off the lights??" Yokako said feeling around. 

"Idk who! someone turn on teh lights!" I replace their makeup with mayo and ketchap packets. The bell rings and I take my bag and give them their eyesight.

"Nooooo my perfect pours!!!!!!!!" I smile and head to art class.

"Gappy can u stay aftr class." Professor Rohan asked me. I smiled and nodded even tho I wanted to go check on kakyoin.

"Yes? Do you need something?" He frowned at me.

"Gappy I hv noticed dat you seem distracted and distant. Is there a problem?" I bust into tears.

"OMG yes!!" I fell onto his shoulder crying onto it ruining his jacket. "My boyfriend kakyoin won't talk to me and my parents have banned me from seeing him!! What should I do?" I asked hin. Rohan thought for a moment.

"I am not very good at giving avids for dis but you should wait and see. OR you could go to his house and check up on him." I nodded and hugged him. 

"Tank u rohun!!" I ragout out the school and walked towards Kakyons house.

As I walked to Kakyins house in walked slowly towards DIO. I felt something stir inside me telling me to go inside. I keep on walking but the feeling keeps gettin wors and wors. Finally I turn around and walk to DO's hous.

The door creaks open as I walk in. It's super foggy in his house. The door closes behind me causing meh to jump. 

"Wtf?" Slowly the fog moves me to the stairs. I take a step onto the stairs. Why am I at da top? I look around wondering how I got to da top. I saw a small light coming from a room. I start to walk to the room to find DIO reading a book.

"Why hello darling it's good 2 see u..." He winks at me. Blsus and giggle.

"Hai Doi~" I said all flirty sitting on da edge of the bed. "It's been awhile since I've been in dis room." I say wif a small smile. DIO puts his hand on my cheek. I turn to see his beautiful red eyes lookin into mine.

"Gappy I want you..." He leans and kisses my neck n callorbon. I mon slightly and blush agaen.

"I don't nows the time DIO...." I lightly push him off me. DIo frowns.

"But Gappy I know asweel as u do dat u need dis..." He presses light kisses into me arm. I nod.

"OK DIP lets do dis." DIO smiles and tackles my neck.

He begins to lick and suck on me neck. I moan adn bluch. God I never nuw dat DIO was gud at dis kinda stuff. I feel him take off me shirt. I grab my hat and place onto the dresser next to us. Dio and I start to makeout. He lays me down onto his bed. My hed hits on of da soft pillows. Dio lightly laughs as I grin against him.

"Careful now Gappy. you don't wanna riun da fun yet?" I shook my head keeping my eyes closed. "Good girl. Tak it slow Gapan." I nod. "Just let me do everything for you." DIO removes me pants.

He then puts throbbing tool in me and we do it passionately. We did until we cam. 

"That was great DIO..." I panted. He nooded in aggremt. I put back on my clothes. 

"DIO would you like to come to Kakyoins house with me. I don't want to go alone." He nods and we leave to Kakyoins house.

When we mak it to Kakyons house the lights are off and only his car was there. His parents must out of town. We walk up to his room. He's not here!!

"Wat teh fuck?!" I look around. He isn't here?! "DIO could look around the house for him." DIO nodded and left his room. I found Kakyoins Phone on his dresser. I look at it. I see all my text messages. Maybe he went on a vacation with his parent but dat wouldn't be possible becuz he was under house arrest 3 days ago. 

I look at his bed so see paper on it. I pick it up n open it. My Heart dropped.

'Dear Kakyoins parets, 

We have stolen ur son. And we won't give him back until you giv us 6 million dallors!! If you don't by fiv days we'll kill your son! - love not Koichi and Joot <3'

I knew one thin I had to do. I had to save Kakyoin.

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