Chapter Fourteen - Not alone

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"Whats going on- HOLY SHITE TF HAPPENED TO HER!??" The guard screamed. I was horrified. What is going on?! People started to looked into the girls bath room, or com in becuz tey wanted to see what happend. This ennded up getting a lot of peoples in the girls bathroom looking at Sherry's dead body. I shakily got up and grabbed Hat ponts hand backing away. I looked at Hot pans face. Her expression was blank. I have no clue wtf is going on with her.

"Hey get away from bat body!" A guard yelled at us. Pushing us away from her. Everyone backed away from Sherry's bady. The top half of her bady was gone. H hands were gone too and her heart was blown up. Her arms were across the room and... They had no Honds!!

"Who've could've done such a thing?!" The lady who was right next to me asked. She then turned to me.

"Do you know what happened to her?!" She asked me. I shook my haed.

"No I was just going to the bathroom and I found her body like this!" I said.

"Well no one will be leaving this court house until we find who did this!!" The guard said. Someone cleared their throat. We all lokked at them. It was Trish.

"Uhm Hot pants and I will be leaving because she has a doctors appointment..." She said quietly.

"Oh ok you can go then." The guard said calmly. Hot pant let go of my hand and ran into Trashes arms. They both walked out of the court house.

"Ok does anyone else have to go?" The polce man asked. People started to murmur amongst each other. "Ok now I'm going to asked does anyone have any theories on what could've happened?" He asked People started to whipser to each other. At this point I could jus say that I have to get hom to my parents because it's past my bed time. I was about to say somefin when someone spoke up.

"Umm I think it was Kimmi.." Fogu said. I looked at him with rage.

"How do u know hah!?" I asked in a angry tone.

"Well she's The only one who has a stand that can blow things up and plus it's ranged." He said confidently 

"No She can't control her bubbles. They can only go in a straight line and She can only sen them 7 meters out!!" I said angerily.

"Wait how dos yosus know how Kimmi's Stand works?" Asked Fugo. I froze.

"Uhh I read the panflet dummy!" I said. And kratechopped his neck. He fell to the floor. No one cared because no likes Fugo because he's a Simp.

Anyway The gourp walked into the court room to see Kimmi bing harassed by police people.

"Im innocent!! I can't even use me stando rn becus u put these anti stand hand cuffs on me!!" She yelled.

"It's True." DIO said. "I she were able to use her stand I would've saw." He said

"I would've seen too." Said Darby as he played his Ds. The Police guy thought fro a moment then sighed

"Fine you can go... Everyone is free to leave." I sighed in relief. And went home.

Anyway I snuck in through my window. I checked the Time. It was 12! I felt so sweaty and gross. I check to see if my parents were still gone. They were. I went into the bathroom and ran some hot water into da tub. I hopped in and played some J-pop. Once my songs were finished I got up. And started to look around for a towel. There were no towels in the cabinet. I Then remembered that there was a towel by the window. I Turned to see 2 People spying on me!! It was Koichi and Jotaro holding a camera!! I covered myself with my White J-pop towel. Then I saw that they were mastbating!

"Ew you Fucking pervs!!" I yelled. Before I could runaway Koichi yelled.

"Tree Treeze!" I Fell to the ground. I can't get up!! Jotaro Then broke the window and climbed into the bathroom.

"P-Please don't Rape me!!" I cried. Jotaro Then used his stand D4C and made a clone of himself (I don't know how D4C works. Pls donut flame me in teh comments 4 dis ok!). The oringal Jotaro held my face as the other one lifted up my Towel.

"Someone Help!!" I creamed out. I thought all hope was gone.

Then Valentine Broke open da door. Both the Jotaro's and Koichi look at Funny with feer. Valintin was Holding his Shotgun that he used back in ww2.

"You best be leaving u prepy pervs!!" He then shot the shotgun at Joot 2. Koishi and Joatro ran away. "Dojyan mother fuckers!!" Grampa looked at me. 

"Are you ok Gappy?" he asked in a worried voice.

"Im fine gramps. Thank you." I smiled at him. Then my parents burst into the bathroom. 

"What the fuck is going on?!" Asked Gyro. "We heard the shotgun!" I told them everything was fin and it was just a raccoon. Okuyasu hugged me

"I'm glad that your ok Gappy." He said into my shoulder.

"Well Gappy we got a call for the department and they said you'll be able to go back to school in 3 days." Gyro said. I locked at him shooked.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded. I ran over and hugged him.

"Ok missy we're of 2 bed. Hoodnight." The they both left. I looked at grandpa as hw alked back downstars. And in dat moment I knew that I wasn't alone.

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