Chapter Six- By the beach

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AN: hey guys I just wanted to thank @tooruhatersclubfor helping wif da stray. U roc!

It was finally Saturday. I checked mi phone. 11:00 am it read I sighed getting up off my bed. I start to think about what I should wear. I just wanted to hang out with DIO at the beach. I finally put an outfit together. I put on sandals and shorts I put on a white bikini underneath my shorts and see through tank top. I put on a pair of pink tinted round sunglasses. The perfect outfit.

I go dow stairs and see my mum Okuyasu.

"Hi honey!" Okuyasu said. Walking over to me kissing my forehead.

"Mom not now!!!" I screech pulling away from him.

"Why you dressed up today Gappy?" Okuyasu asked. I blushed thinking of DIO's sexah body.

"Uhm... I'm going to the beach with my friends..." I lied. Okuyasu smiled at me.

"Have great day sweetie!" Okuyasu waved my goodbye as I left the hose.

Anyway I started to walk to the beach. I was walking down the street and turned to see Kira. I cringed finking of what he did a day ago. He looked up to me with a sinister smile and wavd to meh. Ew he's sooo gros. I almost barfed. The worst part was when he started to walk towards me. I started to walk faster trying to get away from him. But he grabbed my arm.

"Hey Gappy.." Kira smiled at me. pulling me closer to him. I yanked my arm away from him. "Hi..." I said in a annoyed way. 

"Im sorry for how I acted yesterday Gappy," His eyes darted to my chest. "It was quite rude of me." His eyes flicked back to me. "Yeah thanks bye." I started to walk away from him. He's soo weird.

"Wait Gappy will you come inside my house I made lemonade." I turned around.

"Huh?" I was confused. Why was he being so nice to me. (In da pst Kira was really mean to Gappy n he also was a big perv becuase he's Kiar) "Uh ok sure." I slowly followed Kira into da house. I went inside it was way cooler than b4 and it smelled like Grandpa valentine or just old people. No wonder Kira must be pretty old. He sat me down at the living rom. he poured me a glass.

"So Gapan why are you dressed like that, are you going to see your boyfriend Kakyoin?" He said. I almost spit out my drink.

"Im sorry for being 2 forward but im just curious." I sucked on my straw.

"Well im going to da beach..." I says. Kira hums while dranking his drink.

"Gappy can I ask you a favor?" I looked at meh phone to check the time it was 11:25. I needed to go but I had to make it fast.

"Ok but make it quick Kira..." I said all annoyed. Kira smiles and walks and sits right next to me. He grabs my hand. "Wait the the f-" Kira started to rub my hands.

"You have such beautiful skin..." Kira caresses my fingers. "I wish I had your hands with me..." i was soo scared I could barely move. I felt like he was going to kill me until.

"Hey Kira!! I think were out of beer! Can you go get sum more Kira??" I turned around to see Hol horse with Yukako from school latched around him!! Kira pinched the brig off his nose. Kira turned to me.

"I'm so sorry this is my roomate Hol Hors..." Kira growled.

"Oh.. ok well I have to go you have a great day." I basically ran out of his house. What a creep.

Anyway I was sped walking to da beach so I woodn't be late. I didn't want to upset DIO. I could see the horizon of the beach. I jogged so I wouldn't waste any tim. Finally I made it and scanned the sunny bech for DIO. I didn't see him so I decided to set up my towel and umbrella. I sat under the shade waiting for DIO. I spaced out. Looking at the ocean.

"Hello dearest~" I smooth voice tickles my ear. I turn to meet DIO's lips on mine. I move with his lips. DIO smears his green lip stick on me.

"Hi DIO~" I sadi flirtly. He chuckled a bit and we started to make out on my towel.

"Get a room!" Fugo scremed. I put my middle finger up at them. I pushed DIO down onto the towel. I slipped my tongue into his mouth. We French passively on the towel. finally we stopped.

"Do you want to go into the water with me?" DID asked rubbing my arm. I giggled.

"Of course." I said pecking his lips. DIO picked me up with ease. He walked into the sun and to the water.

Dio slowly put me down into the water. I looped my arms onto him. I rubbed hid neck feeling something where. my eyes opened looking at DIO's neck. He had a giant scar on his neck reaching all the way around his neck.

"DIO what's dat on ur neck?" I asked. He cringed feeling my hands run along his scar.

"It's nothing darling. It's just a scar from a accident I had when I was a child." He rubbed my back. I sighed feeling the warm sun on my skins.

"DIO this is nice..." I held onto him. I didn't feel so lonely. I felt like I was with kakyoin. He felt just  like him. But he wasn't him.

"Gappy?" dio's smooth voice pulled meh out of my trance. I hummed in response.

"Would you like get some food darling. I'm quit famished." DIO smooth British accent soothed me.

"Yes please." DIO picked me up carry me to the harbor of Borhrio. He finally went to a sea food restaurant and ate there.

I had a great time so did DIO and ate food and relaxed all day. Finally it was getting dark and DIO brought me home. I kissed him goodbye as I a walked into my house.

I saw into my house. I see my mother and farther waiting for me in the kitchen.

"How was your day sweetie?" Okuyasu asked stirring the pot.

"Oh it was fine." I said blushing thinking of DIO and his sexah body. My moms smile then went away.

"Sweetie we have some news about your friend kimmi." Okuyshu sat down in his seat.

"Please sit down we need to talk." Gyro patted da seat next to him. I sat next 2 him.

"Kimmi was taken to prison yesterday. The people fink she's the muder of Lisa Lisa." I teared up.

"Gappy she's going to be in prison for 12 years." 

"What?!" I was shocked. "But why?! She did nothing rong!" My dad lead me back to the seat.

"The police said she the only one how has a explosion stand and the only person who also has a stand like dat is Kira Yoshikage but he's has a roommate HOL horse and he would've known if he killed any1." My dad said in his western accent (STFU in dis gyro is valantine's sun). "And plus she's know to make things explode when she's mad at people. I mean look at Fugo he's been blown plenty of tims.." I cooldn't believe dis.

"No she's innocent! I know she is!" My mom put his hand on my shoulder. "You'll get to visit her soon." He said. I brust into tears running up into my room. I slammed da door and fell on my bed. Kimmi was my best friend and I love her. (knot in dat way u pervs)

Den I got a plan in my head. I called Narancia. He picked up almost immeataly. 

"What's up Gappy?" he asked. I breathed for a moment.

"Narancia are you free next weekend?"

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