Chapter Five- Strange day

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An: ok we did nut mak it to 7 Vons but I wantd 2 continu the story. I hop u guys enjoy. N I hope u have gret day! Thanks to @tooruhatersclub for helpin with da story!!

I was soo confused. I was going to ask hot pants what happened to Lisa Lisa but she ranaway crying.

"Hot panst Wait!!!" I started to run after her. She was really fast but I was fast too. She weaved through the hall going left n right. soon she ran into the dark hallway  where me and DIO were that one time. I stilled fallowed her. Then she ran into a classroom with no number. I put my hand onto the door and twisted the door nob. 

"What the fuuck??!" it wooldn't open. "GODDAMIT!!" I kicked the door huffing with anger.

Anyway I walked all the way to the crime scene where I saw Lisa Lisa laying there with no hands. Narancia, Yashuho, Kimmi, Caesar, Joseph, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Koichi, Sherry, fugo, Bruno, and Giorno and some other people were all there. Ceasr, our principal, walked up to her dead body kneeling down to get a batter look. 

"Her heart exploded... that's how she's died." he said in a vry serious voice. I gasped. I felt faint I could barely stand. I started to fall over but Kakyoin caught me.

"Are you ok love?" Kakyoin asked. I nodded blushing.. I turned my attention back to ceaser 

"How do you know?" I asked still feeling weak to stand. Caesar gave me a 'dude you r so retarded' look and pointed at her chest. it was wide open. Joseph gasped and fainted.

"Yare Yare daze..." jotro pulled down his hat looking away covering koichis eyes. 

"Who would do such a thing?" I asked. Caesar shrugged and stood up. I looked over to Sherry she had an evil look in her eye. Sherry then coughed which got everyones attention.

"Whats the problem ma'am?" The police officer asked sherry. 

"Well there's only one person I know who can explode things..." Sherry got a wicked smile on her face.

"It was Kimmi Yoshikage!!" Sherry pointed to Kimmi who was standing right next to me. A cop man grabbed her arm.

"Wait what?!" Kimmi Roared.

"It wasn't me I swear!" she struggled against the cops hold but it was too late. She was put into the cop car. I ran up to the cop car looking at Kimmi. I was crying.

"Kimmi!!" I screamed.

"It's okay Gapan..." She said. "I'll be out soon. Don't you worry.." Then she was driven away. 

"I'll save you Kimmi just you wait..." I whispered to myself. Kakyion put his hand onto my back.

"Don't worry Gappy." He started to rub my back. "She'll be out soon..." Kakyoin lightly kissed my cheek. "How about we go get something to eat honey..." He held out his hand. I grabbed onto it and we walked to Weather reports cafe. They did the weather.

"What would you like to order?" Whether repot asked us.

"Coffe please." I asked.

"What kind???????????//" He asked. "Gappuchino" (geddit, cuz I'm Gapan) "Aight."

"And you sir?" Kakyoin looked at me and smiled. "The same as her." I bushed.

"Aight wait for like 6 mins and it should be out." Weather report walked back into the cafe. I turned to Kakyoin and he was looking straight into my eyes. he looked so sexah.

"Ya know we should do this more often Gapan." He said all flirty. He scooted towards me wrapping his arm around me putting his and onto my thigh. I was blushing a lot. He started to kiss my neck.

I was giggling  as he kept kissing my neck. I opened my to see Kira across the cafe from us looking at me. My blood felt cold. Kakyoin noticed I stopped giggling and looked to where I was looking.

"Hey babe don't pay attention to him. He just some gross perv. You should just be paying attention to me and how good I make you feel." He winked and kiss my neck again.

Then suddenly he put on top of the table knocking over the cups onto the ground. We started to make out. He took off my jacket and slid his hand into my srhit. I could tell the Kira was watching so I put my middle finger up at him.

We French as I took his school uniform off. Kakyoin was only in his green pants. He had a sexpack (Geddit cause he's a sex bomb lol). It was getting really steamy until...

"Stop it you horny simpletons!!" Whether report screamed.

"If you dont stup I'll get to broom." He said all angrily. We stopped because we didn't want to get hit with a broom.

I looked back at Kira he was smiling. What a fucking a preppy perv.

Anyway we finally got our drink and we drank them. Kakyoin got into his car and I was going to grab my purse.

"Hey Gapan." I stopped in my tracks turning around with annoyed face. "What?" I snapped.

Kira smiled and leaned closer to meh.

"Thanks for the show cutie." He winked at me. Kira started to walk away. I was so disgusted I felt like barfing but then I took another look at him. in his pocket was something big. Something like a hand. I shook my head and ran to Kakyoins kar.

Finally we made back to my house. I gave Kakyion a kiss goodbye. But I couldn't stop thinking about what was in Kira's pocket. I decided to take a night walk.

The air was cool as I walked down the street towards the bay.

"What's a pretty thing like you walking around like this?" I already knew who it was.

"Hey DIO.." I turned to meet him. He smiled and walked right next to me. He looked super hot in the dark.

"You weren't at Polnareff's funeral..." I brushed my head on his strang arm.

"I would never go to a man that I killed funeral." said said putting his hand on my hip pulling me closer to him."

"But I missed you.... You would've made worth while to go too..." I moved my hand onto his cheek. "We never get to spend time together." our lips inching closer to each others. 

DIO gave a small laugh. "I would love to spend time with you Gapan." He pulled me into his lips. I hummed during the kiss. We pulled away.

"Maybe we could go to the beach on Saturday?" I rubbed his arm gently. He smirked "I would love to Gapan..."

"Good then it's a dat!" I giggled and walked home.

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