Chapter Nine- Breakout Breakout

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An: I just mad it to prat 6 so u can talk about part fiv now. tis is gong to be long chrapter and a special character will be fetrated in dis 1. thx @tooruhatersclub for helping me wif speling!!  And im sory I couldnt post on tusday 2 chrapters willl be postd on Tuesday. Enjosy.

We got into the car. I sat in the middle seat right next to yashuho.

"I want to shit next to her!!" "NO I do!" Kakyoin and Narancia were fighting. Yasuho Sighed and moved to the front seat right next too White sneak. So they stopped fighting Kakyion was to my right and Narancia was to my left. We started to drive to the prison.

"How long until we get there?" Yasuho asked White.

"Uhmmm" he looked at the time and then back at Yasoho. "1 hour." he said blankly  and went back to looking at the road.

"When does the prison bus arrive Gappy?" Kakyoin asked putting his hand on mine rubbing his thumb on the top of my hand. I blushed. "1-11:45" I stuttered out. Kekyoin just smiled and looked back out to the ocean. It was silent for a moment.

"Hey guys This might sound really dumb but What color are prison busses?" Naracia asked. I thought for a moment. What color is a prison bus? I've never seen one b4 so what color would it be?

"It's blue Narania..." White snak answered. The look on Narancia's face went from confused too shocked.

"What!!1? Blue?! Why Blue whoy nt yellow." He yelled.

"Idk why don't you ask the prisons." (BTW GUYS I JUST MAde it to prat sex so please don't spoily me to da ending. ಠ_ಠ) Whie snake answered.

"Well I will then" Narancia answered all huffy. This needed to stop.

"Guys guys please don't argue in the car we're almost to the spot." I said pointing at paisley parks map. It had a highlighted spot in the forest where we would wait for the bus.

"uhm Gappy I have a question?" Yasuhoe asked in a quiet voice. "Yes? What is it?"

"Uhm.." She paused for a moment and then continued. "Why are your outfits like that? shouldn't  you guys be dressed more like prisoners?" I looked at her for a moment and bust into laughter.

"Hahahaha oh Yasohoe ur soo funny hahaha!" She gave me a confused look. "Let me explain." I leaned in closer.

"You see Yasho In blk box Prison the only thing you need to wear are the jackets which we'll be stealing from so prisoners on da bus. Other from that you can wear whatever you want." I said. 

"Oh. That makes senes Gappy." She said. "Sorry for bothering you." She then turned to look to the front.

I felt e bit sleepy. When was the last tim I fell a sleep?? I leaned into Kakyoin. He felt so warm. He wrapped his arm around me. I look at his arm. But it wasn't his arm it was...... DIO's!!!!!! I jumped away and it was DIO! I looked around. Narancia, Yasuho, White snake and Kakyoin were all gone!! I looked back at DIO he was crawling towards me!!

"W-What, W-wheres kakyoin?! What did you do to the others?!" DIO said nothing. He crawled ontop of me. I blushed the last time me and DIO were together was at the beach. He was super cold. He put his lips to my ear.

"We're here..." Suddenly my eyes shot open. What the hell just happened?! I shited up and looked around. I was right next to kakyin. 

"Is everything thing alright sweetie?" kakyoin looked at me wiht his gorgous eyes.

"Y-yeah I'm fine..." I lied. "How long was I out for?" I asked. Kakyoin thought for a moment.

"Hmmm I don't know mayb e twelve minuets?" I frowned a bit.

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