Chapter Twentwo - Da red stone aj as

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AN; pls donut flm me!! I need a break from righting club ok. And plus I was tooo busy watching anime 2 car. PLEASE GIVE ME VONS!!!!! Jojos Rox!

I was walking home frum school. Did Trush rlly want me to sneak into Kiras house? I dint really fink dis was a gud idea but Hot pants needs to know who it is so we can give them to the police.I  was walking when all of a sudden there was a ring on the ground right next to Kira yoshiages house.

"Wtf" I said. I picked up da stone and looked at it. What is this? It was a very shiny red and had gold stuffs all around it. Who would drop dis wring? I thought 2 myself. but that wasn't my main goal. I need for investigate Kira.I wen tot my tree right next to my window and began to climb up it. I was hopping dat his window would be open. I pulled out my stand soft and wet to take away the noise of the tree and it did. I finally made it to the top to see the window was closed. It was also locked when I tried to open it.

That bastard! I thought. He knew I would sneak into his house that's y he closed the window. I climbed down the tree and searched the house to see if there was any other way to get into he house. 

I was walkin around da house until I got a text message. It was from Yasuho!

Yasuho/ hey Gappy wats up? She asked.

Me/ Nothing. u?

yashuho/ I was gong to ask u if you wanted to hang out. I bit my lips. I gwess (geddit) she needed to no.

ME/ actually Yasuho. Im crrunttly at Krias house. I going to envestigate him. I have a theroy dat he is the killer of Lisa Lisa.

Yasohu/ What really?

me/Yeah.. Could you help me. I asked.

Yasuho/ how? she askd.

me/ cud u use paisley park to help me find a way into the house of lira's.

Yasuho/ why can't you just open the window you usually open.

me/ I cants becuz he locked it.

Yasuho/ oh lol ok.

I sighed in relief. I'm glad to have a friend like Yasuho. I waited outside of Kiras house waiting for Yasuho to respond. then I saw a car pull up. It was Kiras roommates car. I hid in the bushed watching him. 

Hol horse fell out of his car. He had a bottle of beer in his hand. God he looked like a mess. He didn't have yukako in his car so he walked to the door. He fumbled around wit is keys. I thought I was in da clear until my phone dinged. IT was the text from Yasuho! And the my phone wasn't on silent! Holhorse looked at my bush.

"Yukako? is dat you." he asked.

"No." said me.

"Oh ok." he then wen inside his house. sighed in relief. I looked at my phone and saw the text. It was a picture of Kiras front door. Huh why? I then realized dat it was because of hol horse leaving the door unlocked. I text Yasuho thank you and den left.

I used my soft and wet to take away the sound of the door opening and my footsteps. I servayed da rum. Hol horse must've went upstairs to sleep or somefin. I walking around in the house until I found a pictures of people on the walls. 

There were pictrs of Kira and hol horse dating back 2 high school. Kira was kinda hot in highscholl not gunna lie. but he's still a creep and a murder.

anyway I walked up stairs and past hol horses room. He was playing fort nite on his xbox. I scoffed. This noob isn't even a pc gamer. what a pleb.

I opened Kira door and started to search his door. I opened the draw and found da hand. I knew it was him!! I took some fotos and was about to leave until. I heard the door close down stairs.

"Hol horse im home." IT was Kira!!! I ran to the window and tried to open it but it woodn't budge. I then saw some elmars glue on the window. He glued it shut. I could hear him walking up the stairs. I needed a place to hide. I hid under the bed with Lisa Lisa hand. I covered my mouth to stop myself from breathing. Kira opened his door and set down his stuff.

He walked around his room before going to the drawer where I found da hand. He made a noises and then stormed off from his room stomping. I got out from under the bed and pressed my ear to the door so I could hear.

"Hol horse dis u take my shit agen?!" Kira sed loudly.

"No y u aske?" said hol horse.

"Ur da only one who can get into e house other from me. So ur telling me that someone else came into our house and took my shit?" Kira yelled.

"No. I don't even need your stupid hands anyway. unlike u I can get bitchs on my dic-" I then hear explosions and hol horse dint saying anything else.

Kira den cleared his throat. "No problem I can just find myself a new gf." He then walked down th e stairs and closed the door. I opened the room door. There was no more hol horse. just his hat.

I then released what happened. Hol hose is ded!! I gasped.

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