Chap 24 - Chase

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AN Guys chek out mi friends @tooruhatersclub story please. Itz rlly god gi's!! Also mi wrists are healing real good so no need to worry bouts me. Give me vots!!!!

We hoped into narancia Tesla and started to drive off to Jobin mt. I was really worried,  needed to save yasuho b4 she was killed!! If only kakyoin was here. How did she even get kidnapped? I had no time to think about and we made to the moutin. 

"Narancia use your areosmith and look 4 Kira" I said. He nods and pulls out his stand. I look at dio wit worry. I scoot closer to him in the car and cry into his chest. He pets my head softly comforting me. 

"It's ok Gappy I'm here." He wrapped his arms around me. I pull myself frum his chests. Tears were streamin down my face. I look into dios crimson eyes.

"DIO I had no clue that he felt like that. It's all my fault..." I said all sad and deprezzed. DIo kisses my cheek.

"No gappy it's no. He just upset. He doesn't understand what he has lost. Your the most perfect girl in the world and he's just stupid 4 leaving u." He kisses my 4head. Yeah dio was right. Kakyoin was just jealous. He'll come back eventually.

"Im sorry to ruin the moment guys but I found him." We stopped and look too Nara. He pointed at a lonely car facing a rock. "There are two people in that car and Im prety sur dat that's yasuho in the car." I look at dio and he looks back and nods. 

"Soft and wet" I whisper 2 bubbles come and take away our sounds. We leave the car and silently sneak out of da car. We sneak up to get a better look and I saw Kira an ysuho! He was holding something in hi s hands and yasuho was tied up. I look at dio and make some hand symbols telling him go for Kira while I go for yasuho. We went both side Dio pulled out his stand and I used to take away the noise from the car. 

But I could hear something. I looked to my side and saw a tiny tank coming towards me! I screamed as the thing jumped for me. In a split second dio was infant of my. A big explosion happened and smoke was all around us. I look back to see that Kira and yasuho were gone from the car. I kept looking and saw kira running into the forest with yasuho. bfore I could go after them I saw narancia run after tem.

"Naranci wait!" I said. I helped dio up and we ran after hem. Runing the forest the deeper the got the more lost we got. We couldn't even ind narancia. How the hell did Kira know where we were? Did he just know? What the fuck was that thing that was sent after me? I hear some screaming and I knew it was yasuho..

"Come one dio this way!" I said running towards yasuhos creams. Then I was Kira was just standing still.

"Helo Gappy if you come any closer I blow up your little friend." I lookout yasuho who was laying on the ground crying. I saw no narancia anywhere. I gritted my teeth.

"Wheres Nara you brastred!!" I yelled. Kira only laughed.

"Don;t worry about him you should be worrying more about yourself." I was confused by what Kira meant until I heard that sound again. Before I could do anything a big explosion happened. I flew up into the air. It hurts soo much.

I saw dio get hit with another one and he went flying back aswell. I brought out my stand soft and wet and took away the impact of the fall. I got back up with my sand soft and wet out. I threw a bubble at him trying to take away his sight but it missed.

"Huh?! how?" I yelled. then he sent another one of those things after me but dis time I knew what 2 do. I sent out another sop bubble and took away the explosion. I went over to dio to help him but Kira sent another one of those things after me and we both blew up. 

"None of you are no match for me sheer heart attack!" he yelled. I didn't have enough to take away the impact and only had time to take the impact for DIO. 

"DIO use ur stand please." but then I released that dio was out cold the first explosion I cursed under my breath and looked up at Kira. I was too tried to do anything. He walked slowly towards us.

"I knew that you would come for yasuho so I waited for you guys to come here." he paused and looked around smiling evily. He laughs meanly. "I thoughts that your bf kakyoin would be here but I guess not." He was now standing over us.

"I glad that I'm going to add your hand to my collection." he smirk sickly and kneeled down. He picked up me and and held it softly. "You'll make a great gf." I cringed but I couldn't do anyting.

Kira pulls out a camera "I want to video your last few moment alive" he laughed evily. I new it twas da end 4 me.

I closed my eyes and waited for sweet death. but it got really cold all of a sudden. I opened my eyes seeing Kira on his back shivering cold. I heard a engine rev and I looked. behind me.

It was Kimmi and her stand Born dis way! Kira yoshikage was blown away from us. My eyes widened in shock. Kimmi kneeled down to me and put her on me.

"Are u ok girl?" I nodded weakly she smiled and went back to Kira. Her stand was on a motorcycle revving up. It then it drove into him. The wheel went throw his body.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" ira creamed. he stumbled back. "THID ISNT OVER YET RETARDS!!1" he yelled. He grabbed yasuho and held his thumb up. I finally saw his stando. It looked like a cat. a gross cat."Imma blow dis bitch sky high!!"

 I screamed reaching out for yasuho but he put down his thumb. But then dio was infornt of Kira. Kira went flying backwards into a tree. Now he had 2 holes in his body!! It was almost like how polnarff died! I looked to see dio holding yasuhpo who was shaking.

"Its ok gappy he's dead." he sed in a cold voice. He puts down yasohu. I run towards her. I hug her tightly. I then bust into to tears that was a close call. I looked back at Kimmi and thanked her the save.

I held yasuho while she cried. I helped her up and we started to walk away but she wasn't moving. 

"Yasuho what's wrong?" I talked all concerned. She babble barely able to speak. 

"I- I- it's- uh- hu- na- Nara- chia!" she cried out. My stomach dropped. 

"Wait where is he?" I asked. She pointed away from the group. I ran in that direction. It felt like me hert stopped.  Naracia was lying on the ground and half of him was gone. I cried out and ran to him.

I held his small face in my hands. His purple eyes looked into mine. One of his arms came up t0 my fac. He whiped a tear from my face.

"Gappy I need to tell you something..." he sed weekly. 

"Y-yes what is I-it?" I stuttered out. His other hand cupped my cheek.

"I love you..." he closed his eyes. He smilling. He was dead.

The others finally made it. I heard Kimmi gasped. I looked back still crying. Kimmi fell to her knees begining to cry aswell. I looked back at Narnia lifeless body. mi fists ball up.


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