Craper 25 - Loss

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AN gays I srry dat I didn't update on the Saturday but I was busy watchiing the cropse bride.

That nite I went home I cried. I cris a lot. DIO put Narancia's body in a bag and put him in the back of da car on the ride back home. Yasuho didn't say anything. Da car rid home was silent. WE had to go to narancia house to tell his sister Ermes what happened. She also cried. The funeral was going to happen in 2 dal's.

I didn't leave my rooms for a long time. My dad and mum tried comfort me but I knew it was me fault dat he was ded. I could've saved him. but I was too lat. I was in my room all day. I didn't feeling like school.

I had drem about him to. It was suppy scary. 

Today was the day of the funeral. I got up out of bed and check mi phone. The only one who texted me was Yasuho saying sorry about the whole Kira thing. I forgave her tho.

I put on my uniform but if felt wrong. It didn't feel right wearing white at a funearl. I thought about narancia and bust into tears. My mom Okuaysua came running into me room.

"Oi gappey wats rong?" he asked.  I sniffled.

"I miss him mom!" I cri. he cam over and gov me a hug.

"It's gunna be aright sweetie." he sed. "Things like dis happen sumtimes. And I know it feels unfair an sht butt he's in a better place." He said. I nodded and hugged him. eventually he left my room to let me get ready for the funrl. I took off my white clothes and threw dem in the trash. I looked in my closet. All mi clothes were all so preppy. But then I saw a black uniform and a choker.

I put them on and did my make and put on heavy eyeliner. I looked super hot. I saw my phone buzz. It was yasuho. She was at the funeral and was wondering wen I was going. I dint respond and kept doing my makeup.

Once I was done I felt like da outfit was missing something then I saw it was on my dresser. The word stone thing that I found outside of Kiras house. It had a thinf 4 a chain. Luckily Kimmi used to give me a bunch of necklaces for me birthday. I took da chain out out tov necklace and put it in the stone thing. 

I put it around me neck. I looked nice in it. I unlocked my door and went down stairs. My parent were in the car. I went in there car and went to the school.

We finally made it to the school and I got butterflies in my stomach. I hoped out of da car and walked into the school where the funrl was taking place. I saw Yasuho, Trish, Hot pans, Ermes, Jolyne, fugu, Kimmi, Some cowboy, Giorno, Mista, and the entire Booty blues band, and the rest of da school at the funeral. But where was the priest? I went up to yasuho. She was crying wit Kimmi by the door table.

Yasuho saw me and ran up to me. She hugged me and Kimmi was behind her. I looked around for kakyoin. 

"Hey guys where kakyoin?" I asked. Kimmi and yasuho shrugged. That bastard! Not even coming to his friend funrl. "What a jerk!" I yelled. Yasuho and Kimmi nodded in agreement.

"Yeah gurl! he's a total asshole. Aren't you glad dat yo broke up with him." Kimmi sed. I bit my lip and remember that me him broke up. I nodded.

I looked around and saw Trash and Hot pants sitting together. I left Kimmi and yasho to go talk to them.

"Hey guys" I sed in a sad voice. Trish looked at me and gasped.

"Omg I love ur makeup!" She sed in a depressed. I blushed. she then held my hands. "Hey I'm sorry I caused you so much troble but I wanted thank you for finding the killer of Lisa Lisa." I was confused. How did Trish know? Didn't yasuho get kidnapped? Before I cod asked her she interrupted me. "Kimmi told me." shed said.

we heard someone turn on the mic. I turn to see Johnny!!

"Hello students of JOJO high today we lost a student of ours. his name was NarAcia Costello. Tis death was unknot but we prey 4 him. I will now pass it over to our backup priest Moutin Tim." Then a cowboy got on the stage. He started to say some priest thing and I spaced out.

Where was DIO? Why wasn't kakyoin here and where is the real priest. Then there was a slam at the back doors of the gym. It was Pucci! I hated that guy!

"Sorry I'm late I just got done at Kiras funrl and had to take the bus." H e walked up and pushed the other priest to the side. What a fucking prick! "Well this school is full of sinners but we pray for dem. Anyways we pray dat Narancia Castello goes to a better place but knowing his grades he's probably not." I wanted to shoot him but I can't because it wood cas trouble.

Ermes Costello got up on the stage. She was crying.

"Ey however killed my bro imma find you!" She yelled. I felt bad for her but I couldn't teller her. "Anyway I loved my bro and he was so good so I wrote a song for him man." she said. The booty blues got up on stage and started to play a sad song.

Everyon was listening to the music until  the wall behind them. Three big men were standing there then they walked in. IT was Wammu the basketball player, Eisdis the  punk man, and finally KARs the fortnite dancer. 

They pushed the band off the stage and took the mic.

"Hello Student of JOJO high. WE are here to make an announcement!" Wammu yelled then passed the mic to kars.

"Whoever has the Aja stone give it to us. If you have it give it to us. It looks red and has a gold border." I look at my necklace and my stomach drops. My necklace was the one they were talking about!! "If you don't we'll have to force you. We will fite u and will kill u if we have 2"

They pointed at the crowd. "We are going to serch the crowd now!" 

I gasped.

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