Chapter Four- Simping after death

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An- Im nut updating til I get 7 vots n if I do ill make chaptr five. Butt oder den dat enjoy!

Kakyoin dropped me off at my place so I could get ready for school. luckily my parents didn't even notice that I stayed at his place. Today I wore a black skirt white thigh highs and a white dress shirt. I put on black lipstick and let my hair fall onto my shoulders.

While I walked to school I couldn't stop thinking about Polnareff. I mean his is a big perv but I do feel bad for him. What will happen to his family once they get the news? I mean it wasn't my falt dat he got donated but still feel a little responseable.

"Hey Gappy!" I turned around a little startled. It was just Narancia...

"Hi, how are u?" I asked as he ran to my side.

"Well...." He looked away blushing. "I saw you at the concert.." I looked at him blushing.

"huh?" I was a little confused. "And?"

"Well... I wanted to dance with you," his expression changed to annoyed one "But you were with Kekyoin..." he sighed "I didn't wont to bother u..." Narancia was looked little sad.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said sadly. He looked a back at me.

"Did you hear about Polnareff?" he asked. MY hert stuped 

"Uhh no. What happened??" I lid.

"Well he got punched in the stomach and he had a hole in his stomach." I felt a little bad for lying.

"Oh no! that sound terrible Narancia.." he looked forward. "Yeah his family is having a funeral in the school and they want all of us to go."

Anyway we finally made to school. I went into the school while Narancia walked to da class. I started to walk to class too. 

"hey would you lik to join our art club?" It was Jolyne and Mista from the art club. 

"Um no thanks im good.." I kept walk to my class.

Finally I mad it to home room. Kimmy was waiting for me.

"Hey gurlll!!" she smelled at me. "How was the concert?" She asked. I ploped down next 2 her. "It was nice." I blushed a little thinking about Kakyoin and his sexah body. "Well apernetly Polnareff was killed at the place of the concert."

"Oh no that sounds terrible!" I lied again.

"Well anyway we should be talking about some ded guy. Let's talk gossip." Kimmi always wanted to talk gossip but I was fin with dat.

"Have you heard about that slut Yukako?" Yukako was such a slut she always head sex wit evry guy in the school.

"What about her?" I asked thinking of her sulty face.

"Well I heard she got pregent with Polnareffs child." "Ew that's so gross!" I yelled in shock.

"You she's a slut because she didn't even wear protection." Kimmi looked disgusted.

"God yukoko is the biggest slut in da school." I said laughing.

"Hey! Yukako is nut a sult!" Fugo yelled! Kimmi and I turned around it was just fugo. He's the biggest simp in the school. He was also such a perv too. Fugo had no friends partly because he simps for anyone who has boobs and a nice ass. One time I caught him looking at my butt. He's soo gross...

"Yukak is the prettiest girl in te school!" Fugo looked super mad at us. "She's way prettier than you Gappy. And leagues ahead of you Kimmi!" I looked over to Kimmi. She was super mad. Kimmi pulled out her stand killer king (Killer king is basically killer queen but wif boobs). She blows up Fugo. He deid instantly.

"Good reddens!" She huffed.

Anyway class started but before we could learn anything. Johnny Comes on the speaker.

"Today for lunch we'll be having chocolate milk. So for all the people who didn't bring a lunch it's $2." He paused for a moment. 

"The principal would like to have a moment of silence for Polnerff." He said.

"Anyway principal Caesar has a big announcement..." Johny leaves to Caesar has the mic.

"The prom is cumming to da school in 3 months." Everyone gasped. "Polnareffs funeral will be held in the gym today that is all."

Anyway class ended and we all had to go to Polnareffs funeral. I sat next to Kakyin. We sat right behind Polnareffs family.

"He was such a simp." I giggled. Sherry look at me angrily. 

"You shouldn't say something like dat Gappy." I ded panned and pulled out my stand soft and wet and stole her voice. Sherry started to cry. Everyone was crying.

"Hey kakyoin~" I pushed up to him. Kakyoin and I started to makeout. everyone stared at us. I put my middle finger up at them.

"Let's take this somewhere more private~" Kakyon purred in my ear. I smiled and we got up and started to walk away from the funeral. Before we could get out of the gym Hotpans brust in through the door. She was crying.

"MY MOM IS DEAD!!!" she cried out. I gasped.

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