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An: its Halloween guys. And tonite I have the special chatar. Dis is nut cannon to the story. Butt all da chracters are the same. Enjoy.

Giorno was having a halloween party tonight. His dad Tonnio was leaving town for a week. And he has been planning this for weeks now. And I was invited and so was Kakyoin. I was dressed as a sexy nurse and Kakyoin was going as a undead stripper. We looked super sexy together.

"Kakyoin does my make up look?" I asked him. He smile at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

You look hot Gappy."  I giggled and we pulled the car over. We started to make out. We finally stop to check the time. It was 10:04. I fixed my nurse hat.

"Kakyoin we have to get there on time. We have no time to keep making out on the side of the road." I sed fixing my makeup. He laughed and drives on to giornos house. After a bit we made it there. We got out of Kakyoins merzdes Benz. and walk to Giorno's front porch. We rang the doorbell and waited. We could hear some music in the house. finally Giorno opened the door. He was dressed as a Gothic version of Draco Malfoy from harry pot.

"Hey guys" he said. 

"Hi" I sed back. Kakyoin waved to him.

"You guys can come in." Giorno left the door open and we walked into the party. Man it was wildin. I saw Giono walk over to joylne and mista. Jolyne was dressed at a gothic vampire girl who had long ebony hair wit purple streaks and red tips and Mista was dressed as a vampiric version of Harry Potter. 

Me and Kakyoin walked over to the booze that was at a decorated table. We start taking shot every time we saw Fugo trying to get a peek at Yuakaos ass. Which was a lot. So we got drunk pretty fast. GioGio was playing songs from the Booty Blues. My favorite band. So we started dancing. We looked so sexy together. Then I heard someone calling us. I looked behind me and say Kimmi and White snake.

"Hey Gappy come over here!" She waved her hand in da air. She was dressed as a día de los muertos skeleton. and white snake was dressed in a suit and tie. He was John wick.

"How are u guys doin?" I asked. 

"We're fine. And u?" I smile and nodded. we sat and chat 4 a while. Then our favorite song came on.

"Omg Gappy come on and dance wif me!" Kimmi said pulling me up off the couch. We went to the middle of the living and starting dancing with everyone else. I was having a great time. In the coner of my eye I saw what I thought was Giorno. I turned to see the blonde nowhere to be found I was super confused. 

Anyway me Kimmi danced until the song ended. Kimmi went back to White and Kakyoin. But I needed to go to the bathroom. I went to the upstairs to find it empty with no lints on. I tried to turn on the light but it didn't work. I didn't really care so I went in the dark. When I was finished I tried to open the door but it was seelded shut. Damn it. Before I could call for help a hand wrapped around my neck and mouth. I was pulled back into someones body. I wiggled around trying to break free. 

"Shhhh darling it's me. DIO..." Dio said in his breath tickled my neck. He finally let me go but pushed me against the bathroom door.

"DIO wtf are you doing?" I asked as he licked my neck.

"Just getting a taste." He put his teeth against my neck pushed down. I let out a small yelp but kept quiet. He started to suck on me neck until he let go. "You taste great Gappy..." He whispered in my ear. Not a second latr the door opened and I fell onto da ground. I looked back to see DIO gone. I fell my neck to feel no marks left. I get up and go down stairs back to Kakyoin, Kimmi, and White snale.

"Het gurl what's up? Looked like u saws a ghost." Kimmi Laughed. I Blushed thinking about what happened with DIO in da bathtroom.

"Its nothing guys. The bathroom door wouldn't open and got me a little spooped." I sed. Kimmi laughed and went back to making out with white snake. I sat next to Kakyoin. Kakyon put tis hand on mine. He kissed my ear.

"Do you wan to go upstairs with me so we can have a little... fun...?" I Blushed and giggle.

"Yes, lets go." We stood up and headed up stairs. We we're making out when we got in to the bed room. Kakyoin kicked the door closed. We both fell onto the bed.

"Are you ready babe?" Kakyoin asked. I nodded. We striped our clothes off and made out on the bed. Kakyon put on a condum. we started doing. Little did I know that the door was unlocked. Giorno opened the door.

"OMG what are you guys doing in my room?!" We stopped to see Giorno, Mista, Joylne, Diavolo, Kimi, white snake, Rohan, Koichi, Fugo, Polnearff, Burno, and Jorto lookin at us. Koichi was dressed as super Mario and Joot was dressed as Luigi.

"Uh we're playing playin twister in bed!" I said slightly in panic. Burno turned on the lights. I used Soft and Wet to take away the lihghts. I grabbed Kakyoins arms and ran to his car. Then we drove off.

Happy halloween goys.

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