Chapter eight- The plan (2)

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"Ok Gappy what's da plan?" Yashuho asked. I looked at Tim and nodded.

"Alright guys all of you have gathered here to help our deerest friend Kimmi break out of prison. She is currently being kept at black box prison. She is sed to be kept there for 12 years..." I wip a tear from my eye. 

"And if we don't get her shell be stuck there for 12 years!!" I bust into tear. Kakyoin held me in his arms as narancia rubs my back.

"It's okay Gapan take your time." I sniff and cleared my throat.

"Thanks guys I just get really emotional when it comes to this. I just wan her back!!" I felt like crying again but I knew if I did we wouldn't get anywhere. 

"Ok so the prison only has oneway in but it is heavily guarded by police. and if we use our stands we'll be put in jail too. Any questions?" Naracia raises his hand.

"Yes Narancia?" I pointed at him.

"Uhm how does white snake know where I live?" he asked. White Snake had a coold expression on his face.

"I know where everyone lives..." The room went quiet. and we all bust into laughter.

"Oh whit snek ur sooo funny." Kakyoin laughed. White snake then raised his hand once the laughs died down.

"Gapan why don't we just break through the walls." I looked at him and laughed.

"What are you thinking!! hahaha ur sooo silly White!" I almost fell over laughing. "We can't because there's cams everywhere." He just looked at me and said 'oh' and sat back down. White is so funny no wonder he's kimmi's bf.

"but we will break a wall during the escape." I look around the room and saw Yasuho holding up her hand.

"Yeas Yasuho?" she looked down.

"Gapan I don't want to kill anyone..." She said quietly. I walked over to her seeing her crying I whipped the tear off her cheek. 

"Don't worry no one will die. You don't have to hurt anyone. In fact you will be our eyes from afar!!" She looked up at me slightly confused. I giggled and pulled away from her face.

"Yasuho you'll be out hacker!!" I said. She gave me a 'dude wtf' face.

"Let me explain." I sat next to her. "You hack the cams but only when I tell you to and I want you to call the police to tell them a police bus will be transferring prisoners." She gave me a confidant smile.

"Alright Gapan I will do it!!" she roared.

"What about the rest of us Gapan? What will we do?" Asked Whit snak.

"I was about to get too that." I said frustrated.

"Everyone on the team has a role. Yashuho will be a hacker and she can call the police and listen to what they say. She'll also be out getaway driver and use her Paisley Park to help us find the best way to getaway." (da oly reason y I know wat pansy park does is becuz mai friend @tooruhatersclub telling me what she doves oki) I look at White snake.

"You'll get us in White snek.." I say.

"But how Gappy?" he asked. I gave him a look. 

"You knock the guard who's driving the bus and kill all the prisonsners on da bus." I continue on.

"Kakyoin, Narancia, and I will be dressed as prisoners being transferred to Blk box Prison and you will escort us into there." White snake nodded. 

"But how will Yasuho be our getaway driver? She doesn't even have a car Gappy." Naracia asks.

"Naracia you silly boy. I already thought ahead of that." I pull out my phone.

"You see I bought a van with a a computer inside for Yasuhoe to hack us the cams." I say. "I also used your credit card to buy it hope you don't mind. It will be arriving in an hour or so." I say. Naracia looks at me with wide eyes.

"Wait wha-" kakyoin knocks him over to ask me a question.

"Gappy when is the prison bus supposed to arrive?" Kakyoin asks. I hold his hand in mine giving a caring look.

"At 11;00 pm. So we'll catch it before it gets there and where no one will see us." 

"But how will we stop the bus?" Yasuho asked me. I laughed a bit. "We'll get throw naracia into the road it'll have to stop."

"Your going to what me?!" Narancia look terrified.

"Don't worry we'll leave on the road tied up and it'll look like someone left you there." I put my hands on his shoulders to calm him down.

"Ok... Anything for you Gappy..." He said quietly. I huffed out some air. 

"Alright all we do now is wait for the van to arrive." I say. We wait for a while. I knew that if we do this we'll probably be seen a criminals for the rest of our lifs. But we were doing this for Kimmi. She's innocent I know it. The door bell rang. Me and Narancia went to da door.

"Uhm is Gappy here?" Weather report asked.

"Yes that's me!" I grabbed the the clipboard and start to writ down my signature.

"Why do you need a van with tinted windows and computers in it anyway?" 

"Why do you have one?" Narancia asked.

"You make a good point little man." And wif dat he left leaving the van with us. I gave everyone an ear piece and we hooked everything up.

"Is everyone ready?" I said putting on my prisoner outfit. They all nodded. My outfit was a crop top with long sleeves that was black with an open heart piece showing off my boobs with and and golden anchor pin. The top was connected to the long black pants that in the inner thigh was gold. My make up was gold lipstick, eyeshadow, and black eyeliner. Kakyoin was wearing a was wearing turtle neck tank top that was green. wif white boots (Kinda lik da ones that anasui wears) and a black skirt. He was also wearing sunglasses and an army beret that was green like his tank top. Narancia was wearing a raven black vest with an orange turtle neck underneath. His pants were back bellbottoms that covered his black dress shoes.

And wif dat we drove off to get ahead of the bus.

don't worry Kimmi we're coomming...

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