Chrater 23 - The Kira (geddit)

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AN sorry gi's dat I've been gone 4 a while. I was workn and stuff and I forgot to update. Sadly I haven't gotten a valentine on valentmes day. So I slit my wrists and had to da hospitil.

I was still running down the street from Kiras  house. I dialed in yasuhos number. the fone rang before she picked it up.

"Hey Gappy what's up?" she asked te me.

"Yasuho I haves no time to explain wtf im doin but I needs you to bring narancia and kakyoin to your house. Ill be Der in 15 minutes." Before she could ask what I was going on about I hung up. I was runing super fast I just hops dat I make it there in time. Before I could reach my house I was on the other side of the street.

"Huh?" ised aloud. I was right infant of dios house. I walked inside wondering y I were there. Suddenly Dio picked me up. I screamed in surprise. "Dio put me down I need to go." and he did. I turned around to scold him but he kisses me.

We kissed passionately. finally he let me go and I looked at him lustfully. I wanted him soooooooooooooooooooo bad but I knew I needed to get to my friends and my bf kakyoin. I pushed him off meh. 

"Not now DIO I need to got to me friends. I have something important toe tell them." I said to dio. DIO pouted.

"Whats more important than me?" he asked me. I crossed my arms and gave him an annoyed look. He laughed. "Ok why do you have to go? What is soso important?" He asked. I felt myself get sick from remembering the traumatic thing dat happened. I bust into tears. I cried into DIO's chest.

"DIO I found out who killed Lisa Lisa!!" I cried. Doi's eyes widened in shock. "Who?" he asked. 

"It's Kira! And I'm scared that he might kidnapped me, or Kimmi, or yasuho!" I was super scared that I was shaken n stuffs. Dio hugged and kissed me.

"It's ok gappy. I'll help you." I looked up at him in shock.

"Really" I asked. He nodded. I whipped my tears and smiled. "Tank u DIO." I kissed him. He kissed me back. After a minute of kissn we let go of each other. I walked out his door and began to run towards Yasuhos house making sure I wasn't being fallowed bi Kira, or anyone else.

Finally made it Yasuho's house and knocked on the door. Yusoho opened the door and I walked in. I saw Kakyoin, Narancia and yasuho all in her living room. Narancia was eting some chips and kakyoin was listening to panic at the disco on his iPhone. Kakyoin looked up from his phone to me. He got up and quickly hugged me. I hugged back.

"Hey Gappy why did u call us her?" Narcia asked. I stopped hugging kakyin and looked at narancia. 

"I found out who Lisa Lisa killer is..." I sed. Narancia, Kakyin and yusoh all looked at me shock.

"What is it!?" Yasuho asked. I looked at her.

"It's Kira." Narancia and yasuho gasped. Kakyoin had a shocked look on his face.

"How do you now gappy?" Narancia asked. I sat down so did everyone else and they started to listen.

"Well Trish wanted mw to investigate and I had a suspiousion about Kira becuz he always actin weird. So I went to his place first and i...." I began to cry. Kakyoin comforted me. "I found her hand in his dresser..." I bust into tears Narancia scooted towards me and hugged me.

"It's okay gappy. Tak ur time." He sed. I sniffled and hugged him back. Kakyoin looked jouloius.

"Well after that he killed Hot horse and I had to run away, but he said he was going to a 'new gf' So I think he thought dat Lisa Lisa hands were his gf. And I fear dat he's going to kill another girl and it might be one of us..." I said. 

Yasuho then feinted.

"Yasuho!!" we all said at the same time. We ran towards her. "Quick narancia get her on a chair and a wet towel!" Kakyoin said. Narancia nodded and ran off into the bathroom. Kakyoin then looked at me. 

"Gappy... What are going to do?" he asked me. I thought for a moment. Should I tell him my plan? He needs to know.

"Kakyoin we need to kill Kira. And I got some help." He raised a brow. I bit my lip. I knew he was going to be mad. "DIO wants to help..." Kakyoin eyes widened. His face turned so mad.

"WHY HIM?!" he yelled. I flinched.

"Kakyoin we have no choice and im pretty sure he's the only one who can find Kira's locations." His face filled wit rage. He stood up and walked to me.

"WH\at do u think im no capable of finding Kira on my own?" I was shocked. Kakyoin never acted like this. before I could say anything he interrupted me. "What do think im not good enough?" He asked me. I was a bit taken a back by his tone of voice.

"W-what no! Kakyoin he just wanted 2 help and-" kakyoin stoped me.

"If he's coming then I can't help u Gappy." He walks to the door and opens it. At the door was dio. KAkyoins eyes widened in shock.

"Oh hello dear kakyoin." Dio sed in a teasing tone. "What are you doing here?" Kakyoin pushed past him. I got up and and rants dio to kakyoin. 

"KAkyoin what's wrong? Y are u acting like dis?" I asked he looked back at me.

"Gappy im tired of you and DIO. Ur always wit him and I feel like u don't love me." I was shocked I  had no clue that he felt like dis. I reached out but he slapped my hand away. "I'm going home. Dont call me Gappy." He got in his now Black mercidises and then left. I felt like crying.

I rn to dio ad cried. He held me. We walked back insode and saw that yasuho was awake. She looked sad. She got up and hugged me.

"So... now what?" she asked. I sniffed and look to everyone else. 

"Ysuho u need to go tell Trish who the killer is. We need her help since kakyoin isn't here. Then come back asap." She nodded and went outside and got her car and drove off. I looked back to see DIO and narancia waiting 4 me.

"So what do we do Gappy?" Narancia asked. I sat down n started to explain da plan.

"Ok so once yasuho does back we begin to hack into the cams on da street and look 4 Kiras car. Then we use palsy park to follow him. once we make it to his location we use ur Areosmith to find him. Then I'll use my soft and wet to sneak up on him and take away his hearing. Then DIo goes in for the kill." I said. They both nodded. 

"So now we wait?" Narancia asked. I nodded.

Anyways we waited and a hour passed. Yasuho hasn't come back yet. I was getting nervous. Did something happen to her? I was about to get up until I hear narancia fone rings. Me and DIO look at hem. 

"Oh it's a text from Yasuho." He said. I walked next to him and watched in. The only thin was a loction and a text that sent chills down my spine.

'Kira got me'

I gasped.

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