Chrper Nineten - Gothics

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"Kakyoin y are u gofics?!" Kakyoin waled towards me. 

"Gappy what's rong? DOnt I lok gud?" I eyed him up and down. It was still Kakyoin but he was gotic now? Did somfen happen. I nood my head.

"Yes, but why? did sum1 do dis 2 u?" I put my hand on his cheec. Kakyoin just shook his head.

"No Gappy dis is me." He kiss my hand. I blush. "Now y dont we get som lunch?" Kakyoin held my hand as we walked to da cafeteria. I looked around as I saw peoples starring at us. This my bad. My popularity is gonna go down!! I try to hurry to the cafeteria but was stopped by Youkako and her posse.

"Hey Gappy I didn't know you were a lesban." Her feinds laughed. I blooshd and pulled down my hat over my eyes.

"She's not. Now piss off hore." I gasped. What the fuck just happened?! I look up at Kakyin he had an evil look in his I's. I look back Ukako. She looked like she was about 2 cry.

"I'm not a hore!!" She yelled. Everyone was lookin now. "Donut test me bitch. + u dont even have any evidence of me beging a whore!" she smiled. confidently. 

"Oh yea? Why dont we call hot horse and see were it goes." Kakyoin brought his fone. He Dailed in a number. "Last chance yukako..." He showed us the number.

"Ok! fine you win." She cried. kakyoin smiled.

"Tell us what you are." yukako looked up confused. "Say it." yukako starts to cry. She shaks her head. "Fine. let's ask whole horse for answer. Let's here what he has to say about ur 'escapades' " The phone rings. 

"Ok fine! Im a whore!!" She brusted out. Kakyoin had a evil smile.

"K now pee urself." She looks up teary eyed.

"u heard what's I sed. Piss urself right now or else." She stills. Before u no it a yellow puddle was at her feet.

"Good. Now get out of our way." Yukako runways crying. Her friends run after her. Mt mouth is wide open. Did he gust do that?! I twas dumbfounded. Kakyoin squeezes my hend. I look at him. "Let's go Gappy." We walk to out table sit at our table. Kakyin eats his lunch. I stare at him.

Is dis rlly kakyin??? It looks like him, but is it relly him? I keep string at tim. The bell rings and Kakyoin gets up. He walks over to me.

"See u soon dear." He kisses me and walks off. 

Anyway I walk to Rohans class but stoped by the sound of Johnny jouster coming down the hall. I see him swizz by. 

"What going on?" I ask him. He doesn't answer. I run after him. Then I see a bunch of people in a crowd. I run to da crowd. People were yelling and stuff. I jump trying see over people. I can't see anything!  The lights are off. I use my soft and wet talk the friction away from the ground. Peoples slip on da ground. I move around seeing what's going on.

"YOU CANT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!!" it was Trish! behind her was Hut Pants. Some priest guy was Der too. "She wants to be wit me!" Trish yells. I was confused. What is going on? I finally see who she's yelling at. It was the local Priest Father Pucci, and the cps Wheather report.

"You do not have the qualifications to take care of a child Ms. Uno." Pucci says. "Plus ur subjecting tis child to Santa with your gotic lifestyle." He points at Trish. Pucci snaps his fingers. Weather report grabs hot pants and drags her away from Trush.

"T-trash help me!!" Hot pants yelled. Trish tried to grab onto Hot pants butt Pucci steps infant of her.

"Dont' think I'm done yet miss Uno." He pulls out a document. "It seems you dont have da right to be living in th school." Pucci puts the paper in his poket. "So you'll be put in the Forster care system since we can't find ur paents." Gucci then smiles. "if I excise u. u could be a great nun."

I gasped. Was da father going to take her 2? He grabs onto her arm. I needed to save her. before I could stay anyfing Johnny yells.

"Wait u can't do dat!!" Yelled Johnny. Pucci turnd around.

"And why not?" He coughs.

"Because Ceser is taking care of her." Johnny seys. Pucci raises his brow.

"Really?" I look at Johnny. He seemed so nervous. He nods his head. Pucci lets go of Trish. "Well then y dont we ask him den?" Pucci begins to walk towards the ceasrs office. Johnny looks at me.

"Gappy we need to make it 2 ceser b4 him!!" Johnny says  getting on his wheel chair.

"Huh what? Why?" I say following him. 

"He doesn't have child support!" we start running faster. I see kakyoin and stop him.

"Kakyoin we need ur help!" Kakyoin raised his brow.

"whets wrong Gappy?" He asked aall worried about meh. I love hem so much

"You need to stop farther Pucci! He going to take hot pants away!!" Kakyoin nods. 

"Ok Gappy I'll do anting to help you." He kisses my cheek. I blush as I see him run after the father.

"Gappy dis way." Johnny snaps me out tov it. I follow him. He opens a hatch like ting. I was confused. Why does the school have an underground catacombs? "Don't tell anyone about these Gappy. Theses are Cesars secret tunnels. Like have you ever wondered why he always gets to places on time?" I nod my head. "Well this is how. And this is how I get around 2." We run-through da the catacmbs until we get to a oping.  We crawl out into Cesars office.

"Johnny! What are you doing here?!" Johnny shush him.

"Cesar no time to explan but Pucci here!" Cesar just shrusg.

"Why does that matter to me?" 

"Sir he gong to tke Trish with him to the nunnery." Ceser stends up.

"Not on my watch. Now please Johnny boy tell me what's to do?" Johnny pinches his brow.

"Sir just tell him you have custudy of Trish and Hot pants and he'll leave." Cesar nods. On time Pucci slams the door opens. Kakyoin rushes to me. We kiss as Pucci comes in.

"Ceser did you know ders more den 1 goth in this skol?" Pucci shivers. "I'll need to excise this school soon." Pucci clears his throat. "Anyway I was told that you have custody over Trish?" Cesar nods. Pucci raises his brow. "And you let her stay in this school?"

"Yep!" Cesar said in a high pitched voice

"Are you sure that you have custody of dis gUrl?" Cesar begins to sweat.

"I- I- um you- uh I ye- no- I don" Ceser began to stutter. Whats going on? I tap on Johnny's shoulder.

"Hey Johnny what's going one?" He looks at me with a terrified look.

"He knows Ceasers weakness! He can't answer three questions!" I got worried.

"Is it like a stand or somfen?" I asked. Johnny shook his hed.

"No it's a mental thing." I knew di was bad. I need to do something. I look around the room to find something. on the wall there was fire alarm. I sent out a soft and wet bubble to make the fire alarm sound. It started ringing and sprinklers went off.

"FIRE FIRE EVEYRONE TO THE FELID!!!!" We all strated to run outside of the field. Everyone made it out.

Anyway after everyone got out I run over to Trish and hot pants. Trish was fixing her raven hair and hut pans was wrapped in a blanket.

"Are u gi's ok?" Trush nods.

"Yeah father Pucci left. we're safe 4 now." I smile and look at kakyoin. I have saved the day agen. We start to make out. We looked super hot together. every1 clapped becus of how sexah we looked.

"Hey U!" we stoped and looks. It was Yukako and her gang. "We re not done wit you!" Her hair started to go up. "Ur gong to pay for what u did to me." Before I could object herd someone yelled.

"STAND FIGHT" I locked at trash and Kakyon they nodded at me. If day want a fit ten dell get 1.

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