Chapter Ten - 2 hours

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An: uhm guys te next chapr will cum out 2marrow so dont worry it is on it's ways. Hav e a lovly dai and stay kwaii!!

"Are we there yet?" Narancia asked. Yasho sighed and looked back to him.

"No and stup asking me that evefy five seconds. Here have ur furity beans." she thew back a bag of fruity beans. Narancia bounced with joy opening his fruity beans. Bruh he loves his fruity bens.

"So Yashuho where are we going?" I asked. She looked back to her paisley park. the middle of the forest is where we were but I hand no clue where we were going to go.

"Down the coast line. We'll be there soon don't worry Gappy everything going to be ok." I sat back down into my seat. We've been driving for an hour now. I look to my left seeing Kimmi and White making out. I look to kakyoin he was sleping peacefully. He deserved to sleep. He's done so much to help me out. I lean in to kiss his cheek.

"Whatcha doing gurl??" Kimmi asked. I pulled my lips away from Kakyoins warm face.

"N-Nothing!!" I blush. Kimmi just smirks.

"Oh yeah suuuure..." Kimmi scoots towards me. She leans in close to my ear. "Sooo.... are You 2 an item." I Blushed and moved away from her. 

"What?! I-i mean mayb..." I Blush looking away from her. Kimmi giggles and backs away.

"Or..." Kimmi taps her chin while doing a sinister look on her face. "Maybe you want DIO...." she whispered. I was brought back to the dream I had about DIO. A shiver went up mi spine. 

"W-why would u tink dat Kimmi?! I love kakyoin..." I stuttered out. Kimmi just rolled her eyes. She crawled back to White snek.

"Let's go in the back babe so we can have fun~" She giggled. Gross. They crawl back into the back of the van. with that I am given more room to lay down. I crawl away to give Kakyoin more room. I look out the window lookin at teh moom. I wonder what my parents will fink of me? (Guyz al the thoughts now will be in slanted font. I just discovered it did dis.) I slowly fall asleep. 

I woke in a bed. Did we make it to a house? I looked around The house was a deep red and purple wine color and I was covered in silk sheet. I pulled off the Sheets. I was nakd!!! 

"Wtf?!" I yelled whispered to myself. I looked around in a panic. I wen to the currtens trying to open them.

"Shit their too heavy..." I muttered to myself. I look at my feet. Why is there fog in dis house? The door creaked opened. I jump into the bed covering myself with the sheets.

"Dont be scared dear Gappy I won't hurt you..." I pulled down the sheets from my eyes. I was looking inot the crimson eyes of DIO. I got all hot. Then I realised he waas naked too!

"Shhhh darinling DIO's here..." He pulled me into his arms. He felt so cold. Probably because he was a Vampire. I nuzzled my head into hinst soft chest (DIO's big boobs nosebled!!). He smelt like rich wine.

"Why am I here DIO?" I asked. My voice was muffled by his chest. He hummed sending vibration through his body. I pulled my face from his boobs.

"DIO where am I? Why am I here? Where are my-" He shush me by kissing my lips. We Frenchd. I give in and let him push me down onto the bed.


we Frenched. He slid his fingers into me. (Ive been reding more smuts so I could get batter at it teheh)

"Do you like dat Gappy?" he asked. I squirmed around.

"Oh god yes dIO!!" DIO was Hung like a stalone. He started to beat his meat.

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