chapter 20 - Love and War

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AN -  Happy's news years!!! is the frist stroy of cbl in 2021 guy's!! hopping for a gud year! 

"Ur going to pay for humaluting me infron of everyon!!!!!" Yukako pulled out her stand Love deluxe. Her hair started to fly towards me but I dodged perfectly.

"Gappy to your right!" Trush yelled. I turned and saw Mui Mui (one of yukako goons) running towards me with her stand Love super. Her nails grew super lung and she was coming after me!! I side stepped while she tried to scratch me she ran past me and keep going to Kakyoin!.

"Herophat Grn!!! Emerald splush!" A bunch of emeralds flew out of his hands and were heading towards Mui Miu. She jump and dogged the emerald splash. Be4 I could go help him with me Stan d Ukako's hair wrapped around me.

"Ur no go anywhere bitch!" She pulled me back with her hair. I tried to wiggle out before she pulls me back all da way be I couldn't move! "I'm going to fucking kill u!" I closed me eyes know what's going to happen net but I didn't instead Trish got a pair scissors and threw them at her hair.

"NOOOO MY HAIR!" The hair let go of me and turn back to see yukako with no hair. She look back at Tris with a evil look in her eyes. "UR. GOING OT DY!!!" Yukako put her fingers in her mouth and did a whistle. Suddenly a girl with pink hair and a purple beret and white boot came from da bushes.

"Ana kill dis bich!!!!" The girl nodded and pulled out a pink gun. 

"Love ultimate!" Then a bullet came out of her gun going towards Trish. Trish doge the bullet. But how?! Then I saw dat she was using epitaph. "But how did you doge my bullet?"

"I Can see all ur movementS" Trish then started to run towards her. Ana kept shooting her gun but  Trash kept dodging them. The Trish punched her super hard in the face. She fell back shoot her gun a yukako.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I looked at yukako. Her hips were getting bigger. and her lips were getting fuller. Her hair was growing back too!

"Heh thanks Ana.. Now ill kill u!" Her hair came back to me. "Now I'm sexier then ever!!"

"Soft and wet!" I shot a bubble towards her taking away her eye sight. 

"Fuck U!" Her hair missed. Nows my chance to help kakyoin while she's blinded. I looked back to see Miu Miu scratching at kakyoin. He kept breaking off her nails but they kept growing back. 

"All goths will die and da preps will rule da skool!!!" She screamed while scratching kakions faces.

"Gappy heps me!" I puled out my stand soft and wet and shot a bubble towards her stopping her nail growth. Kakyion broke off her nails and instead of growing back the stopped.

"Why iz my love super not working?" She looked at her hands with a shocked look. "Noooo I have man. hands now!!!!" I kicked the side of her head knocking her unconscious. 

"Are you ok Kakyoin?" I asked. He nooded.

"Yeah I'm fine I think..." I kissed him

"Gappy HELP ME!" Trish had time to wait I was taking care of my bf rn. (Kakyion is baby!! So kakwii!)

"I think a sprained me ankle Gappy now go help Trish." I nodded and head off to Trish.

Trish was being held to da ground by Ana her stand Love ultimate.

"I'm going to fill your head with plastic!" She was about to shoot her when I shot her with one of my bubbles. It had the smell of ketchup and mayo in it. She dropped her gun and held her nose. "EWW!" she creamed. I kicked he gun away so she could pick it up. Trish punched her in da face.

Ana then passed out and now all dat was left was yuakao. I turned to her. She was smiling. Yukako had evil look In her eye again. She began to laugh. Why was she laughing? What was so funny about losing? Then all of a sudden she pulled out Love ultimate and Shot Trish in the leg. Trashes leg begin to fill up with plastic.

"Fuck Gappy I can't move!!" I looked at yukako. I was super mad.

"How can you use Ana's stand?!" I asked her. She shrugged and aimed at me. She shot me I the eyes covering them wit plastic. "I can't see!!"

"Gappy to the left there's a football about 2 meters throw it at her!"Trish said. I started to run the left and picked up the ball. "Throw it now gappy!" I threw at her. I heard it thunk against yukako's head. She knocked out cold.

Suddenly the plastic in my eyes left. I could see now! People started to cheer. Me and kakyoin saved the day. I ran over to kakyoin and we made out sexily.

"We should head home gappy." I smiled and nodded. my head.

After I drove kakyoin we home we went up to his room. I sat him down on his bed.

"Do you want me to make something  for you?" I asked. Kakyoin fought 4 a moment.

"Uh tea please." I nooded and head down stairs.

I began to fill up the kettl wif warm water. I placed it onto the stove which was lit. I need to asked kakyoin for he's gofics. But how? The tea was heated and head up to his room with his cup. It's now or never. I opened his door and saw him laying on his bed. I placed the cup next to him and sat down on the bed. 

"Uhm kakyoin?" I asked.

"What?" I blushed.

"Why are you gothic?" I asked. Kakyoin sighed.

"Do you really wants to knows?" I nodded my head. He drank his tea. "When I was little I was always alone. And never really had anyone. I only had my GBA and that's it. But when I went to Camp Metallica it changed me. I found some I trusted. She was special friend." I thought about the stroy DIO told me. 

"Her name was Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way. She was so beautiful and stuff, but den she was taken away from me... But the time I spent with her was amazing! She taught me so many things. Gothic things. And I really liked it. but I couldn't be Gothic. I was alone an scared and I knew that I would be bullied for what I liked." He paused and looked back at me wit a smiled. I blushed.

"Tnat is until I met u Gappy. I felt like I was comfortable with you... and I love you." I blushed and he ran his hand through my hair. "I love you Gappy."

I smiled and kissed him. "I love you too."

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