Chapter Sixtn - One Night Hunt (1)

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An: Hey gays hw do I chang mi Ip? I wont to looc lik I live in Jcpan.

I look at Dio tears in me eyes. My bf Kakfoin was kidnaped by khichi and Jotaroo. I bust into tears ruing into DIO's arms.

"Oh  DIO!! Where ar we going to find Kakyon?!" I cried into his shoulder. DIO foght for a moment.

"Well if they money for their son woods't they leave a adress for the money to be dropped off at?" I looked into his eyes.

"I didn't fink of dt DIO." I turned arond and picked up the letter. On da back of the letr was an address. 1238 fish packn warehouse. I showed DIO. "So all we haves to do is go to th e wearhouse and give them the mony?" DIO Shoock his head.

"No Gappy, They r expectin to see Kakyon's Parents. And we don't rlly look like Kakyoins parents new do we?" I shook my head. "Well we wait for one them to exposed themselves and show us the way to Kakyoin." I nooded my head.

"Ok DIO let's do dis." I put the Letter in my poket and run downstairs. Right when I was about to open te dor Dio grabs my hands. I look back in his amber eyes. "Whats wrong DIO?" I asked him. He sighs and looks at me with sparkling eyes.

"You no I love u Gappy..." I Nodded my head. "If we get kakyoin we can't be togeter..." I held his Hans ih mine. I rested me head on his chest. I could feel no heartbeat.

Anyway we make it out to Kakyoins car and get in. DIO is really good at doing this kinda stuff. You know breaking into tings and stuff... but we start make our way there. I keep thinking about the tim where Kakyin was all upset about me kissin DIO. Why? What did DIO do to mak Kakyoin so upset? I decided to ask DIO.

"Um Dio i have a question?" DIO kept his eyes on the road still listening. "Ok why does kakyoin hate you so moch?" His head turned to me. He look really mad.

"Why would you ask such a thing of I DIO?!" I shrugged.

"Kakyoin sed u did somfen in the past to him. I know I wont get a answer out tof him butt I just wanted to ask u..." Dio gave me a concerted look. "It's ok if dont want 2 tell meh. I just to know." He sighs.

"If i tell u Gapy u might hate me for it." I looked back at DIo shocked.

"Why would I hate you? You've done nothing rong to me."

"I know Gappy it's just..." He paused and parks the car off the side of the road. His amber i's look in my purple blue ones. "I was a different person than Gappy..." I kiss his chek.

"It's ok DIO that doesn't matter. I just want to hear the truth." He squeezes me hands.

"Alright. Well it all started back when kakyoin was in 8th grade... His parents sent him off to Camp. The camp was called Camp Metallica..."

"Kakyoin be4 he was cooler he was a fakin nerd. He had a GBA instead of a DS. His family unlike now was poor. he couldn't afford the new DS. He was bullied almost everyday. I was a camp concler. Risotto was the person who ran the camp. He gave me a job to work there. I was Kakyoin's camp counciler. There was only one person who liked him. I was a goth girl naemd Enoby. They hung out everyday at camp. But I, DIO wanted Eboby too."

"She was perfect. Not as perfect as u Gappy but still pretty hot. I knew she licked me 2. One night I was Making out wit her and Kakyoin walks in on us. He looked so upset. He ranaway from us and the nest day he went home... From that day forwards he never liked me. Thats y he hats me..." I wrap my arms around DIO.

"I understand Dio. But that was in the past you are a changed man." Dio Smiled.

"Thank you gappy..." He kisses me on my lips. "Now let's go sav Kakyoin!" Dio Stepped on the gas and we drove of 2 the warehose.

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