Chapter Three - The concert

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An: I rlly luv dis art. tank u ariki for da art. Also I lov all u guyz for helpin wif da stori!! Stay kwai!

It was the night of the concert and I was so excited. I was in a call with Yasohu trying to find out what to wear to the concert.

"A dress Is too over kill gurl." she said. I pouted.

"Then what should I wear?!" I was getting mad and Kakyoin was going to be here soon. Eventually we pick out black and white thigh highs with white vans and cute light blue shorts that had one single heart pin on it. I put on a white Lacey bustier top with no straps. then I pulled my hair into a messy bun. I put on mascara with black lipstick and light foundation. finally the look was complete.

"You look kawaii!" Yasuho said. 

"Thanks" I said and ended the call. I heard a knock at the front door. I slid down the railing of the stairs and walked past my mom and opened the door.

"Hi Gappy." Kakyion said smiling at me. I blushed.

"Hey Kakyoin." I winked at him making Kakyoin blush. Kakyoin was wear a white dress shirt and black pants. He had his cherry earrings but they were a deeper shade of red.

"You look really good Gappy..." he said making me feel all warm inside. "Thanks..." I said quietly looking down at my feet.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. I garbed my purse and nodded. "Great!" he started to walk to his car. It was a white Mercedes. I jumped inside and when drove to the place of the concert. While we were driving we did some weed in the car.

Finally we made it to da club. The ban was getting ready for the music. The whole place was crowd.

"Show your rist bands please." said Shegichi who was the wrist band master. We flushed hour bands at him.

"Aight you can go in now." We started to walk to the front of the stage. The band belonged to Abbaicho. Abbachio  was on the vocals, divolo was on the guitar, Foo Fighters was on the drums, and Ermes was on the bass. It was perfect. They were perfect. They are my favorite band in the world. Abbacho looked so sexah. With his whit hair and purple lips. I woonder if his lips were grape flavor ;).

Anyway the band started to play a rendition of crazy noisy bizarre town. We started to mosh to music. it was sooo great. 

"Abbacchio looks sexy up there." I stated as we dance to the music. Kakyoin looks up at him them back to me with a disappointed look on his face.

"Whats wrong Kakyoin?" I asked as we danced to the music.

"It's nothing Gappy..." He said looking back at Abbacchio. Then I caught.

"Hey its not like he's sexier than you~..." I said looping my arms around his neck as we dances.

"R-really!" He asked putting his arms my waist. I smiled at him leaning closer to him. "Really." "Also I think Abbacchio is into Diavolo..." Kakyion picks up my legs and puts them on his waist. I lope my legs around him sliding my head into the crook of his neck. 

Then I saw DIO just starring at us. I blinked he was gone. Maybe it was my heads being fuck by weed I did.

Anyway after the concert we drank some beer. We had a really good time. We got Booty Blues tees (The band name btw). And we took some pictures with Abbacchio and crew. Finally we were leaving it was 12 and was a cold night. As me and Kakyion walk back to his car we heard a voice yell hey we turned around to see who it was. It was Polnareff!!

"Kakyoin!" He yelled walking towards us. Kakyoin and I rolled our eyes.

"What do you want Polnareff?" He asked as Polnarff finally made to us.

"I will not let you get away with embarrassing me like infront of Gappy and all those other girls!!" He pulled out silver chariot. Kakyoin laughed.

"Alright this will be easy..." Kakyoin brought hierophant green.

Polnareff started to swing his sword side to side missing hierophant gren. Kakyoin used emerald splush of Polnreaff. He went down in an instant.

"Finally we can go home now." Kakyoin sighed holding my hand as we walked away. But what kekyoin didn't know was that polnareff was about to stay him in the back.

"THE WORLD!" Time stoped. DIO punched a hole into Polnareff and stop time stop. Polnareff coughed up blood and died. Me and Kakyoin saw DIO there. We both look down to see polnareff dead.

"He was going to kill him, Gappy." DIO said in a calm voice. I looked up at him. "T-Thank you!" I pulled away from Kakyoin's arm and ran up to DIO to hug him. I landed into his soft arms as he petted my head. DIO smirk at Kakyoin who had a mad look in his eye.

I let go and walked back to Kakyoin. We made it to his car. I felt sleepy on the drive home so I feel asleep on his car. When I woke up I wasn't at home but at Kakyoins House!!!

"Kakyoin why are we at your place?" I asked still feeling tired. He looked at me with his purple eyes. they were so pretty.

"Gappy I love you..." he said in a quiet voice leaning closer to my face. I blushed.

"Re-Really?" I asked as he put his soft hand on my face. 

"Yes~" suddenly he kiss my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed back. He brushed his tongue against my lips. I opened my mouth letting him in. We Frenched passively. We broke the kiss. Kakyoin picked me up and went into his house. He walked upstairs into his room. He threw me on the bed.

"Kakyoin!" I yelled whispered as he climed ontop of me.

"Don't worry," he said while brushing his hand against mi check "my parents aren't home~" He winked at me.

We then took off our clothes. He put his thing in my ting and we started to do it.

"Oh kakyoin! Kakyin!" I was getting my first organisms. And then he came and then I did. We had the sex for the first Tim.

He held me close in his arms.

"I love Gapan..." kissed my cheek. "I lov you tooo kakyoin..." Then we fell asleep. 

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