Chater 8teen - Mr. Johnny Joestar

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An; Im sory gi's i 4got to publish this on strday. I hope u dunt mid guys. Sumtimes Wattpad breaks so watevr

It's been three days since kakyoin has ben kidnap. and I strating to worry. Kakyoin wont talk to me!! I think it's becuz of me and DIO. But I really dont want to asume it's because of dat. So I keep my mouth shut for now.

Anyway I was walking to school. It was raining so I brought my umbrella. Narancia was feeling sick and yasuho was out of town so it would just be me and Kimmi for the day. I wish I had a car so I could drive to school but my mom said no not until my birthdays. that's like in July!! it's so faraway. I could just ask Kakyoin to drive me to school but he isn't talking to me.

I finally make it to school and start to walk to my class. Then Wammu, and Star Platuim  runs past. They were on the soccer team, but why were they runnin?

"Stop! No Running in da halls!!!" I turn the other way to see Johny Joestar chasing after them in his wheel chair. I look back at the boys. Star was holding something in his hands. 2 blue steel balls. I knew they were johnny's. I also knew dat he wouldn't be able to catch up to them.

"Soft snd Wet!" I threw two bubbles to Wammu and Star, taking away their friction. The both slipped on the floor sliding into the lockers. I saved the day again. I look back at Johnny. He keeps wheeling past me not even thanking me! What?! Johnny picks ups his balls and leaves me. I was so confused. Why didn't he tank me? I helpd him!!

I stormed off to class all mad. I made it to brunos class. I sat next to my bff Kimmi. She was looking at her phone. I looked to see GioGio talking to Mista. Then Josuke walks in

"Your nut late today Josuke." Bruno said. Josuke blushed.

"I woke up early today..." He was still blushing. he walked to the back of the class. Everyone knows that Josuke's gay for Bruno. He made it way to obvious. The mic crackled on. Annoucenment time.

"Hello. Today princal Cesar has a few announcements today." It was Johnny jousters. I cringe thinking of what happened early today. "In a week from now we are having the big game, which next after that week we'll be competing for the torment. Are star playas Star, and Wammu are hoping to win this time." I tap Kimmi's shoulder. She turns to me.

"Yeah Gappy?" I lean closer to her ear so we could talk.

"You know what Johnny did to me today." Kimmi shruggged. 

"WhaT?" She asked.

"Well Wammu and Star were running away from Johnny becuaz they stole his steel balls right. And I like helped him and guess what."

"What?" Kimmi asked.

"He he didn't even say thank you!" I sed all angry. Kimmi Gasped.

"No wait really?!" I nodded my head.

"What a fucking bitch." I said.

"I mean I guess but he's kinda cute not gonna lie..." I looked back a Kimmi shocked. I couldn't believe what she had just said. Johnny Cute?!

"What?!" Kimmi shushed me.

"Gappy you denie it. He do be lookin cute." My eyes widened.

"No ew gross this conversation is over." Kimmi stuck her tongue out as I went bak to listening to the anouncements.

"In Two months from now we will having our spring Prom. So y'all better get a date soon." Oh yeah da prom! I should with kakyoin. I should start looking for a dress. Something nice and blue. The announcemnts stop and we go back to class.

After class me and Kimmi went to the lunch room. I got out me bento box that my mom packed me (c I an a kawaii scool gurl!!). I started to eat my food when I saw Johnny in his wheel chair. going down da hall. Revenge time.

I tell Kimmi that I need t go to the bathroom and left to get my revenge. I sneaked behind Johnny waiting for the perfact moment to strike.

"If ya think ur gonna get me like that you need to try harder." I stopped in my tracks. How did he know?!

"I use my steel balls to wheel me through the halls. And I use them to sense people so your not being sneaky." I let a sigh of defet. Johnny turns arounds. He face turns into shock. "Gappy?" I look up at him. "Why the hell are you following me?!" He asked.

"You didn't say thank you for me help u..." I twiddled my fingers. His face turns into annoyed.

"Ok fine thank you. Now leve me alone." He begins to go away.

"Wait Johnny!" he turns around again.

"What?! What do you want?!" He yelled at me.

"Well.. I just wanted to ask a question." He pinchs the bribge of his nose and sighs.


"Are you the hall monotr or vice princbl?" He gives me a 'bro u retarted' look.

"Im both. Is that all?" I shakes my heads. "What else..."

"Why are you both? Are you a student?" Johnny sighs agains.

"It's because Cesar needs me. He can't run the schul alone. He's too dumb to even keep the school functioning for more than 2 minutes. I'm also the star student and the last vice left so I took her place. Thats why now will you please leave me alnoe." He start tp spin the wheels.

"Soft and wet!" The wheels spin in place.

"What the hell release me right now!!" I shook my head run to him. "Tusk!" He shot his nail at me, but  dodge it barely. it cut off apart of my shirt. That piece of fabric starts to spin in air.

I jump onto his wheel chair knocking him and I off the chair. we slide on the floor.

"What hell is wrong with u?!" I hold him down.

"Please tell me why you hate me?" his eyes widen. "Please just tell me..." I start to cry.

"Ugh listen I dont hate you. I just- yo wont understand." he pushes me off him. "You dont want to know ok. just leave me alone." he gets back on his wheel chairs and spins off leaving me sitting there confused. What did he mean by I wont understand?

I start to get up and see a green figure. KAKyoin!! I begin to run over to him.

"Kakyoin!! Baby where have you been-" I stoped in mid step.

Kakyoin was wearing eyeliner. His uniform was a darker green. His earrings were black and were shaped like skolls. His hair was black with red srekts in it. He was wearing white foundation and blck lipstick. He was wearing black contacts 2.

"K-Kakyoin..?" He turns to me.

"Oh hi Gappy." What the hell happened?!

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