38. Dylan Statham - Cold

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Me and my boyfriend; Dylan, have been at the C4 house all day since he had to film some videos with his friends. Right now I was in the filming room cuddling with London while we watched a Christmas Movie. Dylan was outside filming with Jc, Crawford, Will and Kevin but I don't quite understand why because it's freezing outside but whatever.

"Their still outside" Nezza asked walking into the room with me

"Yep" I said as I kept my eyes on the tv

"why it's freezing" she said sitting on the couch watching tv as well

"I honestly don't know their idiots" I said laughing a bit

" Yea we all know that" she said laughing with me as Barrie joined her on the couch

Once our movie was over; Nezza left to get food and I walked outside to see what the boys were up too.

"Why are y'all still out here it's freezing" I said looking at the guys like they were insane

"I don't know" Oscar said laughing a bit

"I'm use to it" Crawford said laughing to the guys

"Well Nezza went to pick up food so all of y'all get inside and warm up" I said giving them a pointed look while they looked a little scared

"That means now" I said again which quickly got them all on their toes and in the house. I walked in behind them laughing quietly as I went. I walked over to Dylan on the bean bag as everyone else went to their rooms or somewhere else. I laid down beside him and he wrapped his arm alone as we watched another Christmas movie.

"Your really cold" I told him giggling a bit

"Yea ik" Dylan said laughing with me

"Your making me cold get away" I said jokingly but I got up and sat on the couch with my arms crossed.

"Hey I love you y/n" Dylan said walking over to me and uncrossing my arms while laughing as he held my face

"Welllll you seee" I said jokingly while he looked offended and let go of my face to walk away jokingly

"Hey wait I'm just kidding I love you too stupid" I said grabbing his hand and laughing while he turned around and smiled at me before sitting beside me and letting me cuddle up to him.

"Uh huh that's what I though" he said kissing the top of my head


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