46. Savage - meeting

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          I walked into the C4 house ready to meet Sav & Devonte knowing they would be here soon. Today they were moving to California and they have been at their apartment all day. I helped Franny & Nezza set some last minute things out. Jc made diner which consisted of Hamburgers and a lot of other random things.

"They're almost here" Reggie said loud enough for all of us to hear. I looked at the girls smiling excited to finally meet Sav & Devonte. Not long after the door opened, Kian walked in first with Devonte  behind him before Sav walked in last shutting the door.

"aren't you the one that said you thought Savvage was cute" Nezza whispered in my ear before leaning away smirking

"yes I did and I stick with my statement" I said smiling with a little smirk

"Mmhm" Franny said

"Oh my god. Y'all are so much prettier in real life" Devonte said so excited once they both finally met all the boys

"Aww" we all said

"Thank you" Nezza said for all of us while we nodded our heads. Devonte hugged us all before walking away. As Savvage was meeting Franny I got called into the kitchen.

"What's up" I asked Jc

"Did you get more drinks today" he asked me looking into the fridge

"I did I'll go grab them" I said before going back out to the living room grabbing my keys and out to my car. I grabbed the boxes before walking back up to the house when the door opened, revealing Savvage

"Hey.. I was just coming to see if you needed any help" he said smiling lightly

"Oh yeah sure that would be great, I'm y/n by the way" I said handing him one of the boxes

"well I'm Sav and it's nice to meet you" he said smiling while grabbing the box. We walked back into the kitchen while he helped me pack the fridge as we made small talk.

"So do you think y'all will be here for a while, like in California" I asked once we got done filing the fridge with the alcohol and grabbing two white claws for me and Sav.

"I think we will definitely be here for a while" Save said opening his drink and taking a sip

"good I hope y'all enjoy it here" I said drinking mine as well

"yeah we definitely are already, where are you from originally" he asked

"y/h/s" I said smiling

"Oh shit nice" he said smiling some

"yeah I guess so" I said smiling back at him before looking down at my drink trying to die down the blush before looking back up to see him drinking his drink and smirking. Oscar then walked in asking if we wanted to play beer pong.

"Sure" Sav said shrugging his shoulders

"I mean I guess" I said as we walked to the table

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