16. Will Hadaddin - Period

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I woke up at 10 to Dylan waking Will up which ended up waking me and London.

"Sorry Y/n" Dylan said giving me a small smile

"Dude I went to bed at 5 and it's 10 and your expecting me to be running around the house" Will said to Dylan while Dylan filmed

"What are you doing with the drip still on bro" Dylan said while Will just smiled. Will started yelling Bryan's name before he realized I was still beside him so he brought his left hand down to my hair and started playing with it.

"Sorry baby" he said kissing my head

"It's fine" I said petting London

Not long after Will got up and dressed and did a nose strip with Oscar and Dylan before they left to go to Christian's to work out.

"I'll see you when I get back let me know if you need anything we'll probably pick up food on the way back" Will said as he grabbed his phone from beside his bed since I went back to his room not long after getting up because I didn't feel good. He rubbed my stomach a bit since he knows I'm having cramps and I'm supposed to start today before rubbing his thumb on my cheek and kissing me quickly.

"Where you think you going without a shirt" I said messing with him once we pulled away he laughed a bit before kissing me shortly

"I'll be back baby" he said about to pull away from me and leave before I grabbed the strap of his book bag and kissed him one last time

It's been a couple hours since he left and all I've really done is edit and play with London a bit. My cramps have been getting worst so I went to the bathroom to only realize yep my monthly is paying her visit. I quickly grabbed one of my tampons from under Will's sink before washing my hand and going back to editing. I texted Will to pick me up some Midol as well.

Once I was done editing I went back to Will's room to lay down with London laying at my chest. It was too hot in his room so I took off his sweatshirt that left me in my shorts and a sports bra.

Not long after Will came in holding a plastic bag and a y/f/r bag with a large drink.

"I got you her medicine and some candy and a big bag of skittles and a can of Pringle's and your favorite food from y/f/r " He said smiling before sitting everything down in the desk beside the bed and walking over to me as a scooted over for him to lay next to me. He took his shoes and shirt off before laying beside me rubbing my lower stomach then reaching into the bag to get the midol before handing me one and my drink.

"Thank you" I said smiling at him

"Your welcome baby" he said kissing my head

"Not get some sleep y/n" he said kissing my lips and stomach before letting me cuddle up to him while he did whatever on his phone.

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