15. Crawford Collins - kid pt 3

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Me and Crawford's date actually went really well he ended up taking me to Disneyland which was amazing. Anyway me and Everlyn are going to the KnJ house right now with food for everyone.

"Whats up guys! I got pizza" I said as me and Everlyn walked into the door

"Yessssss" Oscar said clearly tipsy he walked over grabbing the boxes from me before walking back to the kitchen

Everlyn quickly ran over the Crawford hugging his leg before he looked down and smiled at her then picking her up and kissing her cheek. He looked over at me and smiled before winking at me then offering Everlyn some pizza. He fixed her and his plates after I told him he didn't have to but he insisted then sat down at the table across from Kian and Oscar and ate their pizza while I fixed mine before sitting next to Crawford since Everlyn was now sitting in his lap.

"Here give them" I said grabbing everyone's empty plates before grabbing 2 new plates and fixing Dylan and Will some pizza since they were both outside filming. Everlyn, Bobby and Christian came with me as well.

"Hey guys" I said smiling at them and the camera before sitting down beside Will as Christian sat behind me and Bobby stood behind all of us while Everlyn sat on Will's lap before I handed them their plates.

"This is why y/n is the best she is also the mom of the group.....literally" Will said while we all laughed at him

Not long after of them still filming and us messing with them we heard Crawford yell inside.

"SHUT THE F UP" Crawford yelled as all our eyes got big while gratefully Everlyn was paying no attention while she played a game on Christian's phone. Not long after I decided that it was time for me and Everlyn to get home as well as Christian, Daniel and Crawford were all leaving as well.

"Crawf I can take you home it's on the way" I told him as he carried a sleep Everlyn to my car

"Are you sure" he said as he set Ev down in her car seat slowly before buckling her seatbelt

"Yea get in" I told him from the front seat as he quickly hopped in

Not long into the ride Ev was passed out and Crawford has his left hand locked with my right. I could feel him looking at me from time to time but didn't say anything. Once we got to his house; he unbuckled before leaning between the seats and kissing Ev on her forehead.

"I'll see you later princess" he whisper to her before leaning back and looking at me. He cupped my left cheek before leaning towards me and bring his lips to mine.

"I'll text you" He said once he pulled away smiling at me which I returned.

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