45. Corey La Barrie - birthday

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Today was Corey's 1st birthday without him. I woke up in a terrible mood feeling sick to my stomach. The house was a lot quieter than usual. Bambi came up to me wagging her tail before jumping on my bed and cuddling against me. I put my arm around her before laying there and thinking of Corey and all of our amazing memories. Corey was my best friend, he helped me at my worst point in life and helped me meet my family today. I couldn't live without any of them. I opened my phone to see my Lock Screen which happened to be one of my favorite pictures of me & Corey. It was a picture of us hugging on Christmas Day. I opened my phone and scrolled through all my memories of Corey for a while before finally getting up and dressed. I walked out of my room with Bambi to see Oscar coming out of his. We didn't say a word to each other just met in the middle and hugged knowing we both needed it. Soon Brian came out of his room and joined the hug. Oscar kissed the top of my head before we all broke apart.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before walking down the hall to Will's room. I knocked on his door lightly before entering.

"hey" I said closing the door behind me and laying down beside Will as he pet London

"hey" he said looking at me with a light smile before pulling me into a hug. We hugged for a minute before getting up. I walked out the room with London leaving Will to get dressed. Crawford was coming down the stairs as I walked out. Crawford quickly pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. Jc was coming down behind his so he did the same as Crawford. After all the hugs and quiet moments we all gathered in the living room.

"I know today is going to be difficult and different but we have to remember that we need to be celebrating Corey with every moment we get" Jc said looking at all of us. We all agreed before going to our rooms to get dressed before heading to the Seavey's for the small party.

The rest of the night was spent sharing memories, laughter, eating cake, and watching old videos as we celebrated Corey.

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