35. Jc Caylen - The Grinch

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       I sat on the couch in my boyfriend's bedroom watching the grinch. I've watched it at least 6 times before December even started; I love it so much. Not too long into the movie my boyfriend; Jc walked in shutting the door behind him before laughing a bit.

"What" I said turning my head to look at him

"I'm starting to think you like the grinch more than me" He said walking over to his computer and turning everything one before walking over to me and sitting down beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Maybe I do" I said lightly laying my head on his shoulder

"Wow that's harsh" Jc said laughing before getting up and walking over to his computer and sitting down

"Nooo don't leave" I said while looking over at him

"I gotta stream baby; I promise we'll cuddle later alright" Jc said lightly as he walked over to me and kissed my lips softly before smiling at me and walking back over to his computer

"Okay" i said before putting my attention back on the tv

"Whats up guys" Jc said to his stream as him and the guys set up their game

"Once again we are playing amongus" jc said laughing a bit

Since he had on his headphones I couldn't hear what the guys were saying; I could only hear Jc's side.

"Aww look at y/n; she's so cute; she looks so focused" Jc said reading off some of the comments before I looked over at his stream and gave a big smile waving then blowing a kiss to the camera.

"Yea guys she's watching the grinch for like the 50th time and honestly I think she likes the grinch more than me and she even said maybe I do like what kinda shit is that" Jc said to his stream while shaking his head

I rolled my eyes before getting up and walking over to Jc and sitting down in his lap before kissing him on the check. He smiled before wrapping his arms around me while his hands still on his mouse and keyboard and eyes on the screen and kissed my shoulder lightly.

Since I was only in shorts and a tank top; I knew sooner or later he was gonna hand me one of his shirts to throw on but since he was so focused I don't think he's noticed.

Jc walked around doing his task before Reggie reported a body and that's when Jc finally looked at me; he took off his headphones before picking me up and standing up; setting me back in the chair before I grabbed his headphones and put them on my head quickly regretting it bc if how load the guys were.

"Hey guys" I said with a smile

"Hey y/n" Danny said back quickly

"Hey son" I said laughing a bit; soon after everyone said hey before deciding to skip and since Jc was still getting me a hoodie or something I just skipped for him. Soon after Jc walked back over and handed me his hoodie before picking me up and sitting down with me on his lap.

After about another hour of streaming; I got up and laid in his bed to finish my movie while Jc quickly went downstairs before coming back up to go to bed. He laid down beside me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me head before we fell asleep.

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