7. Oscar Guerra - Pregnant ?

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How. The. Fuck. Am. I. Going. To. Tell. Him. This. How is he going to react? Happy? Mad? Upset? All I know is I need to tell him soon. We've been together for 2 years so I don't know how he will react to this.

"It's going to be okay; we're all here for you" Chelsey said as she rubbed my back as the guys filmed downstairs to see who the man of the house was.

"This is a gift from Corey" Chelsey said as we chuckle before one last year fell down our faces I cleaned my face before giving Chelsey a hug and putting the 5 pregnancy test in a ziplock bag into one of Oscar's bathroom drawers before we walked out and into the living room to see that Oscar won man of the house for a week.

"Fitting huh" Chelsey said as we laughed a bit

Not long after Jc gave Oscar the belt he gave me a worried look since my eyes were probably bloodshot before I shook my head meaning for him to finish. Once Jc was fine Oscar walked up to me and cuffed my face before kissing the top of my head.

"What's wrong baby" he said giving me a worried look

"Just go to your room so we can talk I'll be there in a minute"I said before kissing his cheek and he nodded his head before he headed towards his room

I quickly gave Chelsey a hug before heading towards Oscar's bathroom before I saw the Corey wall to my right I looked at it for a second before chuckling thinking about how this is probably a surprise from Corey. I shook my head then headed into the bathroom and sticking the test in my back pocket with my shirt covering them.

"Okay so sit down" I said as I walked into Oscar's room then shutting the door. He sat down in his gaming chair as I sat down on the bed before he rolled the chair in front of me and grabbed my hands rubbing them with his thumb

" I'm just going to come out and say it" I said chuckling a bit

"I'm pregnant" I said as I looked at Oscar waiting for a reaction or a response

Oscar's eyes got big before he stood up bringing me with him and giving me a tight hug and he repeatedly kissed my head, forehead and check.

"I love you so much you have no idea. And I'm going To be by your side through everything this is my kid too" He said as he cupped my face before lightly kissing my lips before a tear fell down both of our faces

*week later*

It's been a week since I told Oscar and Chelsey and me and Oscar are going to tell everyone today. Right now Oscar was filming with the roommates while I got the cake and box ready. Chelsey knows someone that makes cakes and puts whatever you want on them so we got a pink cake with Blue dots and it says I'm pregnant. The only ones here are the roommates, David, Franny, Nezza, Christian, Daniel and Bobby so it's perfect timing. We also got Jc a box as a joke that says your not the Daddy of the house no more with a little baby shirt that's says C4 on it. We planned on having Chelsey and Jc come into the kitchen and give Jc the box then walk into the living room and make everyone close their eyes as we put the cake in the middle.

Oscar soon walked into the kitchen and gave me a light kiss before calling Chelsey and Jc into the kitchen really quickly. Jc walked over to us while Chelsey made sure nobody was listening or anything

"What's up guys" Jc said chuckling a bit since Oscar was filming

"When you see this you need to not say anything out loud" Oscar said laughing

"Okay" Jc said confused but laughing

I handed him the box as he held it arms length away from him and he opened it to see the small shirt and the note but he hadn't read it yet

"Looks like you not the Daddy of the house anymore" Jc said confused before he picked the small shirt up then looked at us before something clicked in his mind

"Wait! Hold up! Backspace. Delete." Jc said as we laughed at him

"Your pregnant" Jc said yelling but in a whisper voice

"Yes" Oscar said to him in the same voice

All of a sudden Jc's mouth dropped before he pulled us into a hug

"Congrats guys wow" Jc said shocked

"Okay well now we need everyone in the living room to close their eyes so come on" I said as we all walked out the kitchen with Jc filming now

"Okay guys we have a surprise for y'all so we need all of you to close your eyes" Oscar said as they all gave suspicious looks

"It's nothing bad" Chelsey said smiling at them

Me and Oscar quickly walked into the kitchen and back while Jc and Chelsey stayed to film and make sure no one was peaking. I sat the cake in the middle of the table and backed up towards Oscar who wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Okay you guys can open your eyes" Oscar said smiling

Franny and Nezza instantly gasped before giving us hugs. While everyone else looked at us in complete shock.
All of a sudden Daniel, Christian and Bobby hopped up and gave us the tightest hug they could. Then Will, Crawford and David gave us a hug before Ryan before we cut the cake and all sat around the living watching movies. I couldn't be happier.

Let me know if you guys want me to continue this story throughout the book .

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