5. Crawford Collins - Reality House

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        I sat down at the bar talking to Sarah and Jake when I hearded the boys welcome someone else into the house. I soon saw Corey come around the corner before he gave me hug then walked over to Jake.

         Only a couple minutes later I heard them welcome someone else and the voice sounded too familiar. I hopped up and took a couple steps toward where the boys were before I saw Crawford come around the corner. A smile was quickly found on my face before I jumped into his arms as he laughed and gave me a hug.

         Crawford has been gone for like 2 weeks in Canada and saying I missed him is an understatement. I've known Crawford since we were 16 and I trust him with everything. Well except for the part where I have a crush on him but I don't want to ruin our friendship.

    Once we got out the hug he walked over to Corey and Jake and I walked over to Sarah, Jenn and Lauren.

"Is he your boyfriend" Lauren said confused

"Not he's just a close friend I just haven't seen him in almost 3 weeks" I said as I felt my face get hot

"Oh you got a crush on him though" Sarah said but pretty quietly

"Shut up" I said laughing

    I turned around to see Kian and Jc welcoming Zach Clayton into the house. I quickly gave him a smile since I haven't seen him since he was like 14 he came over and gave me a small hug before walking over to the guys.

    The whole night consisted of everyone getting drunk and 3 people having to leave. Towards the end of the night things started to calm down. We were all sitting outside before I got up and walked around the corner and beside the pool and into the kitchen.

"Hey Y/N" I heard Crawford say behind me

"What's up" I said turning back around with my water bottle in my hand before handing him one.

       He gave me a look before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him and grabbing my face and kissing me. I was in shock at first before I started to kiss back. I knew neither one of us were drunk we just were a little tipsy so we knew exactly what we were doing. What we didn't know was that one of the filming guys was filming it from afar and it would end up in the video.

    We pulled away before he looked at me and smiled which made me smile back. (The snack that smiled back goldfish~ that just made me think of that commercial for some reason but back to the story)

"Umm when this whole thing is over; do you wanna go on a date when we get home I mean I've liked you for a long time so why not" Crawford said nervously while rubbing the back of his neck with one of his hands

"I would love to" I said before kissing him one last time and walking back to where everyone was in their own conversation

"I saw that" Jc said leaning over to whisper to me

"I did to" Jake said from the other side of me as Corey walked back to his seat beside Jc and nodded at me smirking

"Oh shut up" I said as I tucked my knees into my chest while they laughed at me. I swear you can't see anybody in the kitchen from here but I guess they just got up to get a drink which was by the grill so they would of seen us

   Not long after Crawford walked over to all of us and gave me smile before going and sitting down between Jake and Bobby.

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