21. Oscar Guerra - Dance

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     So tonight was another party at the knj house and right now all of us girls are at Nezza's getting ready while all the guys where already at the house probably drunk already. Oscar has been texting me the whole day so far but I'm not complaining. Speaking of which he just sent me a video of the guys doing something stupid.

I started laughing uncontrollably when all the girls look at me weird while my eyes were still on my phone with a big toothy smile.

"Umm y/n who's got you all smiley huh" Nezza asked smirking at me; I looked up to see them all either smirking or smiling at me while I just looked at them with big eyes

"No one" I said almost choking on my words; I looked down at my phone again to see that Oscar had texted me again. I texted him back with a smile on my face as me and him continued our conversation.

"It's Oscar" Chelsey said from behind me I looked up to see Chelsey walking back to her seat while the others smiled at me

"Nothing is going on between me and Oscar we just talk and hang out a lot more now" I said feeling heat come to my face

"Yea Okay you like him" Franny said smiling while the others nodded their heads

"Okay maybe I do but it doesn't matter" I said shaking my head

"It does matter" Chelsey said quickly

"We're gonna make you look hot tonight" Nezza said smirking

"That way he won't be able to keep his eyes nor hands off of you" Franny said smirking as well

"Plus Jc said that Oscar, Crawford, Mavrick and Corey aren't really going to be drinking that much tonight so they will be sober" Chelsey said smiling

Not long after the girls were pulling out different outfits for me to wear.

Outfit 1

Outfit 2

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Outfit 2

Outfit 3

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Outfit 3

Outfit 4

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Outfit 4

Outfit 5

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Outfit 5

Once I got dressed we got in Franny's car and headed to the party

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Once I got dressed we got in Franny's car and headed to the party. When we got to the house there was already a lot of people there. We walked in and I immediately saw Jc and Kian as well as Sam and Colby talking in the kitchen. I walked outside to see Crawford, Corey and Chris standing by the dj booth. I quickly walked over to them and stood in between Corey and Crawf.

"Hey guys" I said was I got between them

"What's up y/n" Chris said dabbing me up

"Hey y/n/n" Corey said giving me a side hug

"Hey y/n" Crawford said before hugging me as well

I looked around and could see all of Sam and Colby's group as well as Ricky, Bobby, and Dylan talking by the pool. I looked around some more and saw Oscar standing with Will, Christian, Jack and Daniel. I walked away from the trip over to the small group. I walked up behind Jack and Christian touching their shoulders making them jump since they were in a deep conversation.

"Oh what's up y/n; it's been a minute" Jack said dabbing me up. Christian then pulled me into a hug. Daniel quickly pulled me into a hug after as well before me and Will did our handshake. I walked over to Oscar to see him looking me up and down before giving me a hug then leaving his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

A little later into the night me and Oscar were dancing to my favorite song. His hands were on my hips while mine were around his neck. Me and Oscar danced for a good hour before we decided to sit down. Little did we know our friends have been watching us the whole night with light smiles on their faces.

"So do they have something going on or what's up" Kian said chuckling a bit

"I know Oscar likes her that's what he told me and Christian" Corey said shrugging his shoulders

"She likes him too; she didn't wanna admit it at first but she finally told us" Nezza said smiling

"Hey as long as my friends our happy I'm happy" Crawford said smiling

And that they were...

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