3. Kian Lawley - Box

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We just got in this box and I'm already dying from the heat. I looked at my boyfriend Kian and gave him the meanest look I could possibly give him as he just laughed at me. Franny rubbed my shoulder knowing I wasn't too happy right now. I looked at Chelsey as I saw her giving Jc the same look.

"I hate our boyfriends" I said to her as she laughed at me

"Honestly same" she said nodding her head

I turned around putting my back against the box and ignoring everything they said as we all just had our own conversation. Franny started braiding my hair as I started braiding Chelsey's and so in so forth before my brother decided to arrive. I looked up and he gave me the weirdest look possible.

"What's up Crawford" Jc and Kian said and Bobby filmed him

"Came to support your sister I'm guessing" Bobby said as he filmed both me and Crawford since he was close to the box

"Nah I just came here to hang out" he said laughing at my reaction

"Well then fuck you too" I said rolling my eyes

"I'm just kidding sis chill" he said laughing

"Nah go hangout with your friends" I said as I gave him a mean look but trying to hold in my laugh

"It's okay baby calm down" Kian said laughing

"Oh you shut up I'm mad at you" I said glaring at him as he looked offended while trying not to laugh

*night time*

It's now turning into night time and just Kian is outside right now while Jc went to sleep for a couple hours.

"Honestly I think I'm done" I said shaking my head

"What no" they all said trying to get me to stay since I have already been here a long time

"I just want to go eat and sleep right now guys; even if I wasn't in this challenge I would still me standing out here with you guys" I said smiling a bit

" baby are you sure" Kian said as he grabbed the drill while Bobby was recording

"Yes I just want food and cuddles please" I said laughing

"Aww" all the girls said behind me as Kian laughed before taking the nails out then letting me out before putting the screws back in. I walked over to Kian's seat before sitting down and cuddling my knees into my chest. Kian walked over before picking me up then sitting me on his lap before handing me my phone.

I checked all my social media's and messages before getting up and going inside to shower quickly then get food. It only took me about an hour so once I was done I went back outside with my food Kian had got me earlier that day and sat back on his lap.

It didn't take me long to finish my food before I put it in the trash bag and cuddled up to Kian's chest and watched whatever he was watching on YouTube.

After a couple more hours Jc came outside which meant it was time for us to go to bed. Jc laughed a bit when he saw me before giving me a hug then tagging Kian out.

"Goodnight" me and Kian said as we walked inside hand in hand

"Goodnight" everyone said before we shut the door

Me and Kian walked to his room and I quickly got into bed and under the covers while Kian changed into sweatpants before getting in bed beside me. I cuddled up to his chest and looked up at him.

"Goodnight I love you" Kian said before leaning down and kissing me

"Goodnight I love you too" I said after we pulled away not long after we were both in a deep sleep

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