22. Will Hadaddin - School

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My name is y/n and I got to { your pick of college } where I study { what do you study } I had to go to school for 4 years then work the job for a year then go back. Right now I'm finishing up my last test and papers before I'm finally done. A couple years ago I met my boyfriend of 5 years; Will. Will went to Clemson for 4 years before graduating and moving to California with his best friend Dylan. He comes and visits me whenever he can but it's been tough lately.

So anyway I called Dylan and set up a surprise for Will. Basically Will doesn't think I'm going to be done with school for another 2 weeks when really I'm done tomorrow. So the day after tomorrow I'm getting on the 1st flight to California and Dylan is picking me up early before driving me to where Will now lives in the C4 house. Jc, Chelsey and Crawford all know I'm coming but nobody else does.

* skip to day of leaving *

Right now I was on the plane almost to California. I fell asleep for most of the ride before waking up and started watching Bring it on which is supposed to end as soon as we land and it was almost over.

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    Once I landed I quickly texted Dylan letting him know I was here

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    Once I landed I quickly texted Dylan letting him know I was here. I grabbed my carry on before walking off the plane over to the bags. I quickly picked mine up before turning around to see Dylan not that far away.

"Hey stranger" I said giving the tree a hug which he returned

"It has been a minute hasn't it" Dylan said laughing and grabbing my bag before walking with me outside to his car

"So what's the plan" I asked him once we got in the car and pulled away

"Well he should still be asleep so your gonna stand at the end of the steps where the front door is and I'm going to go wake him up while vlogging and tell him there is a surprise for him in the living room. Jc's also going to be filming so that we get different angles. And then once he sees you it's whatever" he said the last part laughing a bit

"Sounds good to me" I said smiling before we continued our conversation on how we have been

When we got to the C4 house I could see and feel my hands shaking. I get nervous over things I shouldn't; like during school on the first day I would be really nervous for no reason (guys this is literally me right now; it's Friday night and I go to school Monday and I'm so nervous because they haven't got everything prepared like idk where to park idk where my classes are even though I should I'm going to be a Sophomore but I still don't know half of these teachers I have  sorry about the rant ahhhhh) Dylan put his hand on my shoulder before telling me everything was going to be alright. Dylan took my bag as I walked behind him into the house where I saw everyone waiting except Will.

"Guys this is Will's girlfriend y/n; y/n this is Jc, Chelsey, Crawford, Brian, Oscar, Christian, Corey, Daniel and David" Dylan said pointing at each of them as they all smiled and gave me hugs

"Okay you ready" Dylan asked pointing to me and Jc while turning on his camera as well as Jc

"I mean I guess" I said laughing a bit as everyone laughed with me while Dylan rolled his eyes. Dylan walked off to get Will while Jc stood kinda behind me to film as the others sat on the couch to give some space.

"Dude I swear if this is a prank I'm going to be pissed" I heard Will say from a little ways down the hall which made me laugh a bit but I held it in pretty well.

"It's not a prank dude you'll love it" Dylan said laughing

"It better not me or I swear -" Will stopped when he saw me standing there before a smile broke out onto his face and mine before he walked closer to me in pure shock before he wrapped his arms around my waist and picking me up hugging me while my legs wrapped around his waist while his head was buried in my neck while mine was on his shoulder.

After we caught up and I got to know everyone; we all went our separate ways. Me and Will went to his room where he had done put my stuff and cuddled on the bed with London trying to lay between us. Once she gave up she laid beside me with her head on my side. I lightly kissed the top of her head and started petting her while Will and I slowly started to fall asleep with smiles on our faces. We couldn't of been happier then in that moment.

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