23. Christian Seavey - Makeup

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       "Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel and today I have special guest. Well he really isn't that special to be honest." I said smiling at the camera as Christian looked offended behind the camera which made me laugh

"Hey! That's not nice y/n/n" Christian said pouting

"Aww I'm sorry love" I said still laughing a bit. Me and Christian have a flirty friendship. I'm not gonna lie and say I don't have feelings for him because I do but I won't act on them until I know how he feels. Everyone in the friend group say he likes me even his siblings tell me he does but I don't know he hasn't ever made that clear to me other then our flirting that happens all the time.

"As you guys can already tell I have Christian with me today" I said as he walked into frame and sat beside me at the bar.

"Right now we are filming here at Christian's place because the C4 house is packed and nobody is really here right now and it's a lot quieter. Anyway we are going to be do Christian's make up today!" I said smiling really big while throwing my hands up before putting them back down and looking over at Christian to see him pouting.

"Why the pout" I said smiling

"Because I know I'm going to regret this" he said laughing which made me laugh as well. I shook my head while looking at the camera before getting started on his makeup while also explaining.

"stop moving" I said lightly almost a whisper since I was so focused

"Christian" I said a little louder

"sorry your just really focused" he said while trying now to smile

"well yea with you i have to be focused otherwise I'll either miss something or somthing will get messed up" I said leaning back to get another product. Christian shook his head while smirking at the camera. I quickly went back to focusing when Kobe decided to scare me. I was working on Christian's eyebrows when I guess i was so focused that I forgot Kobe was even there which is weird cause I usually almost have him in my arms.


I almost fell out of my seat from Kobe's bark but Christian grabbed my waist quickly keeping me still while he laughed at me which brought the heat to my face.

"Kobe baby don't do that" I said picking him up showing him to the camera kissing his head before handing him to Kobe but Kobe didn't want that so he moved around in his arms before he let him down and I went back to doing Christian's makeup. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time which kept a blush on my face. Not too long after the front door opened and the boys of wdw walked in since they were going to work in the studio at the house. They all stayed out of camera while me and Christian waved at them which they returned. Daniel didn't care if he was in the camera so he started laughing and walked around into the camera frame to get a good look at his older brother.

"dude what are you doing" Daniel said while laughing

"honestly i don't know" Christian said shaking his head while I just laughed at the brothers

Daniel shook his head before giving me a hug then leaving to the at home studio with the rest of the boys who tried their hardest not to laugh at Christian except Jack. Jack walked into the frame and stood beside us while looking at Christian.

"I'm disappointed dude" Jack said laughing and shaking his head before hugging me and walking away

I finished up Christian's makeup as well as the video since we facetimed our friends at the end to make it better and Daniel showed up to look at his brother before going back to making music. I cut off the camera then looked over to Christian already looking at me.

"help me get this off" he said laughing while walking to his bathroom; I grabbed the makeup wipes I brought before walking in after him. I hopped on the counter while he stood in front of me as I wiped off the makeup. Once i got everything off I threw the wipes i used away before looking back at Christian to see his face kinda red. He put his hands on my waist and walked closer to me which meant that my legs were kinda wrapped around him. He put his right hand on my cheek as we both started leaning in. His lips met mine in a simple kiss. Once we pulled away he looked at me and licked his lips before kissing me again in a longer kiss. When we pulled away he looked at me and chuckled a bit while i looked at him confused.

"be mine already" he said right against my lips before kissing me once again

"of course" i said once we pulled away before laying my head on his shoulder

{ Hey guys so I'm thinking about doing a playlist chapter of all the songs I've listened to while writing this story. How would y'all feel about that? }

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